It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Kevin Johnson

the attacks that were delivered upon me while I was at a Starbucks almost where the city officials of San Antonio put me are endless. not only are the attacks plentiful they're heinous and they will make your stomach turn they will make you wonder about the Starbucks coffee that you were drinking. all of the coffee is tainted with poisons but when it came to Kevin Johnson pulling the homeless into the Starbucks he made sure that their coffee was very special very poison. I got videos and I took much of the cups of coffee that I was given and left them in special places for investigators to find them and take them to a laboratory for evidence. one particular day at the Starbucks on McCullough and Quincy there was a new employee working. when I was able to buy myself a couple of coffee that employee was getting a regular cup of coffee. one of the more seasoned employees that was there told him no those homeless people don't get that coffee they get this special pot of coffee over here. he jumped out the good coffee that was less tainted then what they give homeless. he collected coffee from a special pot that had a label on it that said blonde. they were giving the special poisoned and tainted coffee to just the homeless people. now of course all coffee at Starbucks is tainted all of it is bad but us homeless people we get a special dose of poison. there was a manager there named Jeremy and he was participating in the attacks on me. there was a spy from North Korea that was in the restaurant one day. I went into the bathroom and I was only in the bathroom for 2 minutes when the North Korean walked up to the door and started beating on it as if I have been in there for an hour. then Jeremy came to the door and he was beating on it threatening me telling me that I had to leave the bathroom immediately he called police officers and he claimed that I was walking and as I said I was only in there for 2 minutes. these are attacks they delivered upon me over and over again every time I would walk into a bathroom they would be calling police officers claiming that I was locked in they were abusing the system. at the Starbucks in the medical center they would make this phone call to police officers and I would be sitting at a table when the police officer would arrive asking if they have a lock in. they would have to admit to the police officers they lied and they didn't get in any trouble for abusing the system because their boss Kevin Johnson told them to do it. these are only a couple of examples of the attacks that were delivered on me at Starbucks and Kevin Johnson was orchestrating the entire thing

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