It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Caribou coffee

when I was leaving Caribou coffee someone told me to sit down and wait a minute. so then I told the story about The Man behind the car and a game that he played a couple weeks back about a large water of cash that he found on the floor. you see I used to receive cash this way from the investigating officers investigating so that I was able to provide for myself even a little bit. I had gone more than 15 days without any food at all not even the most I haven't stayed in a hotel since July 21st have not been able to bathe for sleep in bed. my attackers like playing games most especially the gecko about the fact that my card will work I will have money and I will be able to stay in a room. they're lying they have no intention of allowing me to stay in a hotel room ever again in my life they have no intention of allowing me to Faith or have a clean clothes sleep in a bed. the young man that was working at the drive-thru came to the back of the store claiming that he found a large water cash on the floor trying to make me believe that it has been placed on the floor purposely for me and I missed it. he asked me to guess the amount of money it is and then he would give it to me. no matter if I had guessed it proper amount or not there's no way he was ever going to give me that water cash he was trying to create an emotional breakdown and upset. he was rubbing in my face that I had. he doesn't care about myself it doesn't care that I am literally starving to death. he just wants to play a game with very famous before who are proof mean bullies monsters. I do hope we get his full reward I hope it returns on every time. today August 16th when I was leaving the Caribou coffee I was told to wait that was the story I told when I was waiting an officer then showed up. obviously somebody called an office or concerning me telling stories online or taking pictures and local. I left before the officer entered the estab lishment I have no idea what was discussing with you employees and what kind of lies they were telling. until I took a picture that young man I hadn't taken any pictures. and it appears though someone called the police department before I ever took any pictures of coffee. I do hope investigators will look into this like what the off there called the office. it looks like Andrea again

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