It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mike a citizen based agent

Mike is what everybody calls him whether or not that's his name I don't know and I don't care. He is a sociopath that is highly abusive and out of control. He's highly abusive to the girlfriend that he did have and I hope that she no longer spends time with him. He receives a block of instruction to be combative loud and disgusting as he follows me around the city. This evening he is at Starbucks screaming yelling and swearing at a video game that is playing he was instructed to do this hoping to flush me out of the Starbucks so that dirty police officers could put me in the hands of criminals. Sorry you're stupid game isn't working but you've been doing the same thing over and over again for years thinking that I don't understand what you're doing. Not only do I understand but the investigating agents watching you understand completely that you're too stupid to understand that if it didn't work two years ago it isn't going to work today. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results and that's exactly what the dirty police officers in San Antonio Texas are doing. Mike always gives me a grin that is sarcastic and ridiculing. Because Mike is really that stupid too stupid to understand that he's being watched by James Comey and his investigational team too stupid to understand that he's going to prison for all of the things that he's done. Too stupid to understand that stalking and harassing is against the law and it's a felony the Espionage that he is consorting in is a much bigger crime that he will be charged with. He is an actual waste of Flesh playing video games all day and all night that's all he does. This is one of the many little criminals that they brought in from out-of-state to try to attack a mother fighting for her children to keep themselves out of prison. The act of bringing all of these criminals into the state is a crime itself committing more crimes to cover up all of your previous crimes doesn't really make a lot of sense does it?

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