It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 25, 2019

Many eyes upon you

Many eyes upon you is the statement I heard when I saw all of these agents and other creepers . I hate the statement many eyes upon you when I was trapped in my home waiting for agents to come and take me to a safe house  so that I could be rescued from my situation as I was told I would be the stupid statement that I heard over and over again and was there's many eyes upon you and we cannot take you to safety while there is many eyes upon you . So now when I hear that statement I have an immediate emotional response of anger  I know that it is my enemies using that statement the morons think it's going to work now like they thought it was going to work when I was locked in my house . I knew damn well they were throwing me under the bus and although it took me a minute I did figure out they were gas-lighting me about agents ever going to help me I began to hate FBI headquarters here in San Antonio Texas and I have a good reason to do so because at least half of it is full of foreign agent and traitors to our nation  I've watched them babe being plucked out one-by-one then I watch them come towards me like dogs with their tails between their legs because they know they are screwed they know that the truth is known that they are traitors to this nation  but they are criminals and they're going to prison . I've enjoyed seeing this but hearing that stupid statement again boy must go Heather isn't nearly as smart as she thinks she is you're going to keep using that stupid statement and thinking it's going to work  oh it worked all right it motivated me to send out those emails it motivated me to write 20 letters and give them out and as I thought it would  it became a rumor mill  instead of a rumor the truth is spreading . You just remember Espionage and treason is punishable by death so you just keep yourself going my style Heather you keep proving to this nation and the world that you really are that stupid 

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