It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hubert Robertson lying and swearing putting our daughter in the middle

I sent a text to Hubert Clifton Robertson to inform him that our daughter was being pulled into the middle of the drama and legal battle I was having here in Texas with Gregory Marshall (her step-father), here you can see Hubert's response. Because of this response, I was able to see clearly that it was Hubert that was putting her in the middle and helping Gregory Marshall attack me. 
During the year 2013 Hubert, his mother, and his wife tried convincing everyone that would listen that I was a bad person and mother because I had been swearing in the past. I corrected my behavior and curved my swearing. However, as you can see in this text message Hubert has always been a swearer and has never done anything to correct himself another example of there go I, and I am that, that I am. For a person to go to such effort to type in swear words indicates anger management issues that need to be addressed and therapy may be needed. For someone to get this angry when I am trying to inform him that our daughter needs to be protected from what is happening in Texas indicates guilt.
My daughter and I became estranged while I was in Michigan and she went to live with her father she was listening to her Father, Grandmother, and step-mother talking ill about me and most of what they were saying were lies. Hubert even went so far as to tell people I was on heavy doses of medication while we were together and this a huge lie I was never on any meds and this can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. My daughter then began lying and saying she was suffering abuse while in my care, I am guessing she felt she had to do this in order to earn acceptance, love, and attention. Any healthy person knows these things should never have to be earned by a child they should be given freely to our children, and also known by any healthy person is that a parent should never talk ill about the other parent in front of a child.
My Ariel came to see me in October of 2013 two weeks before Halloween. I said something to her during that visit that she did not like. Probably in reference to her lying about me and saying that I was an abusive and I have always been the opposite, in fact, the thing I am guilty of is being a push over and having too little discipline when it came to my children. Example: I use to follow my Aadyan around the house cleaning up the messes he made. Until of course, my brother yelled at me and sai: "Stop being his slave and servant he needs to learn to clean up after himself, you baby him". Opps my bad well he's my baby darn it. LOL. During my visit with Ariel, she called her grandmother and she showed up yelling and screaming stomping through my house uninvited. I wanted to physically remove her but stopped myself. Generally, I do not listen to people's words if they are yelling and screaming if they can't act like an adult then why should we listen to them like an adult but I calmed myself down, stood still in the word and listened. The outlandish things that Kathy Robertson was saying were so crazy and so far from reality that there was nothing I could do but laugh, (please refer to CPS investigational reports and interviews with my Ariel, her story changed from those interviews to the stories influenced by her Michigan relatives). My laughter sent this woman into an uncontrollable rage. A woman of more than 50 who is unable to control her temper and decern whether or not the information she has received is factual well I just can not reason with a person like is, and I assure you the apple does not fall far from the tree.  Of course, the only reason my daughter was visiting was because she brought a picture of a dress she wanted to me to sew for her so she could have it for a Halloween party. I stopped myself from feeling hurt by this and reminded myself that these selfish underlining agendas are in a teenagers job description and it surely will help no one if I sit around feeling hurt and slighted. I believe that she provoked the angry outburst out of her grandmother so she sees who would fight for her, it is her love language. It pains me to think my daughter has to go to such great lengths to see if those closest to her actually genuinely love her. Speaking of love:
In the text message, you will see that Hubert Robertson claims Ariel loves and misses me. He says this in an attempt to make me look like a horrible person and it's an attempt to gain control of me and my actions with his feeble guilt trip. Actions speak louder than words; she refuses to answer the phone when I call, she refuses to open and read e-mails I send, she only sometimes replies to text messages, she doesn't send correspondence during holidays, birthdays, or when she experiences milestones in her life, is this love?, I think not. In the texts messages that I have had with my daughter, she was asking me things like, "Did you receive grant monies to get your apartment or van?" She asked, "Do you go out on the weekends?". "Do you drink?". What seventeen years old would know about grant monies for veterans or domestic abuse survivors?; none; she was instructed to ask me these questions by her father and step-father because they were attempting to collect dirt to use against me in a court of law. I don't drink, I don't go out to bars, and I never received a dime of assistance monies, however, her step-father is guilty of all this. He received grant monies when he lied and said he is a victim of domestic abuse. As we speak he is attempting to get a housing voucher from SAHA, if he does not get food stamps and he does not get Medicaid then how is he going to get a housing voucher to pay his rent? Because lies as all the SAFC members lie.
Hubert and his wife Karrie applied for and were granted PPO's against me in the state of Michigan before I left Michigan, they lied in a court of law and said I harassing them that I wouldn't leave them alone it was all lies and the only I was ever doing was trying to remain apart of my childs life. Karrie (my daughter's step-mother), made the brilliant move of including the e-mails from Tamer Morsi here in Texas sent to them in Michigan; instructing them of obtaining PPO's against me in Michigan so he could use them in Texas to say, "she's a bad person". Yes, I have them and will be using them to show the courts what kind of person Tamer really is.
So Karrie thinks she is going to testify against me? We are talking about a woman who was taken to a court of law by her daughter and emancipated because her daughter had enough of the physical and verbal abuse, Gee you think there's record of that? You think that your ex-husband can testify to your stalking and harrassing behavior? Once again we see "There go I", and "I am that. that I am".
Hubert Robertson do you think you are going to bring your lies to a court of law? You have a lot of things on your record and some of those you can cover up; but when Bay City detectives and one FBI agent investigate you for purchasing stolen merchandise, that my dear never goes away.
So that brings me to the subject matter of the friend of the court of Bay County. In 2007 when Greg and I were moving to Texas we had a documented agreement that we would work out child support between the two of us and you can bet that documentation is still in the file and the AG's office can and will pull the information. In 2013 when I went back to Michigan with my children as instructed to do so by Texas CPS investigators, I received assistance and when a mother receives assistance the state automatically collect support. It started to come out of his checks because of the assistance and I had no control of this action. Hubert thru a fit, it was scary the way this man was yelling and screaming, but I should have been surprised because, from the beginning with him, he always displayed evidence that money is his GOD and nothing is changed. I offered to give back to Hubert the monies that were being taken out of his check so he would calm down but he didn't want it. Please note this makes 84,000.00 a year and the state of Michigan was only taking 50 dollars per month. Yep, no joke lie. He bought things for our daughter and he refused to allow those things to leave his home and we would here over and over "Do you know how much that cost me". So is it really a gift to the child if she doesn't really own and she can not do with it as she pleases? And let's face it when you buy electronics, 6 months from the time you buy it is no longer worth that amount of money and it certainly is no longer new. Concerning the monies being taken from his check if he had peeled the onion he would've seen it wasn't really about the money (a tiny drop in the bucket for him and his income), it was about control, and I heard the statement how dare they touch me checks. A problem with authority?
February 2014 my teenager Ariel set up a visit with her young siblings stating she wanted to give them their Christmas presents because she refused to visit or even call and say "Merry Christmas", during the actual Holiday, the meetup happened at my parent's house. But in actuality, Ariel had an underlining agenda. She was asked by her Father and step-father to set up this get together because they needed my cell phone and my son Aadyan's cell phone in order to gain access to all my intranet accounts. After much deliberation, I decided not to attend. You see she has created so much chaos and strife in my life I decided if I were not there she not make up more lies. I had no clue what she really was up to. My parents watched as Ariel took Aadyan's phone and slipped into her bag. My youngest children were distracted by all the presents however my parents were not distracted. Poor Aadyan was riddled with guilt and apologetic because he had misplaced his phone. He looked everywhere and Grandma called it, (even though she knew exactly where it was), she starred Ariel down waiting for my angel to be honest and to give it back. Ariel never gave it back, she gave to her step-mother. Her step-mother then got on the phone with Gregory Marshall and the two of them used it to attempt to hack my accounts but they could only gain access to less than half of those accounts because it was Aadyan's phone and not mine. Had I shown up to my parents home that day my phone would have been taken to. That's the day I knew my angel was gone from me and what replaced her I did not know, I chid my innocent fingers, they held a gem and as I sleep they released the gem, how I miss my gem how the loss tears at my heart.
So Hubert filed for child support for Ariel as an attempt to help Gregory Marshall and Tamer Morsi attack me. When he filed he lied to the Friend of the Court in Bay County and told them Ariel had been in his care long before she actually was in his care. He also told the FOC that I had income when at the time I had no income at all. Since the birth of Anikin; Hubert had been claiming Ariel on his tax returns even though he paid no child support, and I was told by several professionals that this act was very gracious of me. Hubert and I had a very workable co-parenting relationship until the moment the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign stepped in. When I was coming to Texas in 2014 to go to court and fight for my children Hubert Robertson had dozens of these swearing texts sent to me and one of them instructed me to sign over my rights to our daughter. He went so far as to tell which documents to collect at the friend of the court sign and turn them in. I went to the Friend of the Court and told them what he had suggested I do. To say the least, the Friend of the Court staff were taken back by what I told them and the text messages I showed them. They told me candidly that this is not what happens and people can not walk in and suddenly decide they are not parents anymore as Hubert suggested I do. Their words "There is something wrong with this man".  Yes, this is true actions speak louder than words.
During the year of 2013, Hubert had come to get my children and take them to his house for visits on more than one occasion while my children were at Hubert's home they were being coerced to believe their mother was walking around the house naked under her bathrobe; (another lie). My children would be returned home and they would come running in the house grab onto my bathroom and swing it open. What they found under the bathrobe was a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. It was bizarre to see my kids do this, although it took some time and talking I was able to get them to confess why they did that and that's how I know what Hubert Clifton Robertson was doing behind my back. For the most part, Hubert would only take Aadyan making my two youngest children feel hurt and left out they ultimately felt that they were not as important and special as Aadyan their big brother. Hubert is still doing this now, he participates in face time with Aadyan and refers to him as his little buddy. Endearing right? yes it is and wonderful but what about my two youngest babies; what about them Hubert thank you for the hurt you have caused them! In my opinion, you are a toxic person. Thank you, GOD I never have to have you apart of my life again, glory be to the lord.


  1. I (said Ariel from this post) would like to say that I never asked about grant monies and the 2 times that I answered your calls you screamed at me for no reason and when I did not back down you then apologized. I tried to call on multiple occasions and tried to text, but after being ignored, which I now know is a fact from previous posts, I gave up trying to call you. I didn't even think you had the same number anymore so in a desperate attempt to contact you I sent you a message on facebook. I'd check it out of I were you
  2. Another thing I'd like to add is I have never stolen anything in my life, let alone a phone from my brother. But good to see I'm still your darling angel even though you have said that you're not my mother on multiple occasions. Do you realize how manipulative you are? How many times I'd hear "Where's MY Ariel. What did you do with her?". It was me all along, but you had me thinking otherwise and it always messed with my head. You don't say that to a child. Also nobody was hacking you, if they were they wouldn't be doing it from a childs phone. With all the stuff you put on the internet no one needs to hack you.

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