It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 3, 2019

handwritten story

For the last two weeks I've been handing out this letter there's actually more to it but this is enough to understand what I'm handing these people because they literally have no clue who I am or what my actual story is I felt that it was my duty to Enlighten them and bring them to a state of awareness . What's not included here is anybody who came in contact with Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers exposed themselves to James Comey and expose their crimes to .  In other words you're treating me like I'm the seat of your demise  it wasn't me  I went through an entire marriage with this man and did not know that the FBI was watching him  why would I care I wasn't a criminal  and I also didn't know that he was colluding with Russian agent . When the Russian agent attached herself to my teenage daughter she told me that she was a student at the junior high . When I discovered that she had a driver's license she said that she was older than the other students because when you transfer from Russia all of the credits don't transfer was a pretty smart statement and it kept me from going to the FBI about the KGB agent that was in my goddamn house . She convinced my fourteen-year-old daughter to attack me she convinced my fourteen-year-old daughter to poison me  to kill me . As you can imagine I don't like her that much  or at all . But here's the point to my story I've been doing this for exactly two weeks every time that I tried to give this to a Chinese spy  I am very kind  I am very apologetic  I'm simply asking them to read my story .  It's just a piece of paper with writing on it  it's not going to hurt you . In fact it's going to help you . Each one of them are rude monsters they are they are mean they refuse to take the stupid piece of paper of a mother pleading her case for her children that is what Chinese demons are all about themselves and nobody else . Walt Smith son just came into town from Taiwan he had a perfect explanation of how the Chinese do things . They say push and squeeze  until they take over  they believe in organic process is what he called it that's not organic process . That's a weed over taking the garden  okay maybe it's organic it's a weed they're weeds their Bottom Feeders they're nasty and mean and they have no human qualities whatsoever  there's a pattern people every single Chinese person that I confront it  as kind as I possibly could be pleading for their understanding  they refused me denied me and treated me like I was a leper .  This sent a very clear-cut message about Chinese people please pay attention to what is happening here pay attention to my story one single Chinese spy would take my letter  not one I've been doing this for 2 weeks I'm going to keep doing it I will confront more Chinese people and ask them beg them to take my story and read it  and I will be tonight 

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