It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, October 25, 2019


What is their mission statement? According to this website they are all over the place. I went to a presentation that they put on and they said that they save historic buildings in San Antonio and I have seen three other things they are doing on this website. This is confusing it resembles Chaos

these women like stalking and harassing a mother fighting her children fighting to hang onto life. They have been participating in the attack on me for years and have been know to come into the library of SAC just to harass me. They get in their autos and follow me around the city. 
This non-profit is all about saving historic buildings so take a look at the state of the building their business is running out of. The boards hanging down over the side walk are causing a serious hazard to anyone who is 6' or more. There are other serious issues that need attention and it has just been getting worse I took pictures two years ago and it is so much worse now. What about code enforcement. ? The upper part of this building is open to the elements. 

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