It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Crosspoint Ministries

April 27th;
I went to the administration offices of Crosspoint Ministries to discuss the fact I had one thousand dollars stolen and the fact that Ms. Sandoval is talking with Officer A. Flores sharing with him my personnel confidential information and she is attacking me on his command. I wanted to discuss the violation of my civil rights and the violation to all veterans at the Prior House.
I talked to Joe and I told him about my stolen monies even though he already knew about the situation his immediate response was "It is against the rules to have more than a hundred dollars cash at the Prior House". When I went to crosspoint to have this discussion I was able to myself at ease knowing that I would be talking with Christians and I had a certain expectation. Expectations always lead to disappointment.
At no time did Joe say to me "I am so sorry this has happened to you", or "I know how hard this must be to experience because of your currant vicarious situation". Nope I did not hear any empathy or understanding from this man. Joe could have easily defused me by saying "We are not legally accountable for that missing money, but lets look here at what resources we have to help you recover your looses and help you achieve your goals". My major goal is to get back to my children and get Officer A. Flores to stop threatening my life and making phone calls all over the city to cause my failure and demise. Joe did not inform me that they are legally accountable for the stolen monies however I do know that and understand that, of course this hurts me emotionally and financially and i am that much further from being united with my children because of this. Not once did Mr. Joe say "Let's pray together"; gosh that sure would've been a loving and kind gesture that would made me feel a whole better and give me the strength to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. I guess I'll find a different kind of Christian for that help.
I told Mr. Joe the other veterans at the home have been treated very badly and their civil rights have been violated as well. He said they take these matters very seriously. Well if that is true why is Ms. Sandoval still working at the house considering she is the one violating the civil rights of the veterans? As I was leaving the house this morning she was verbally attacking me yet again.
So Mr. Joe's solution to all these issues was to pack my things and kick me out of the house with a moments notice. I guess he will just sweep the problem under the rug or sweep right out the door (me). Unfortunately there are other veterans who are also not willing to stand for the violation of their civil rights and they have gone to JAG. After all we are talking about the rights that we served to protect for all Americans, why are they being taken away from us? Did we forfeit our constitution when entered the Prior House? I sure wish I wouldn't have done that I really like that thing.
When JAG starts to make calls and investigate to bring themselves to a place of understanding the situation. These veterans will then be kicked to the street without a moments notice as well. That seems to be the pattern Mr. Joe is displaying. So how is it they are helping Veterans in my case they were helping my ex husband and Officer A. Flores attack me and slander my name.
Rhonda Bradshaw and Ms. Sandoval planned on testifying against me stating that I have mental disorders I do not have. Shouldn't Christians have more integrity than this?
I am afraid that the Crosspoint Ministries have become very defensive because of their past legal issues. Instead participating in active listening and genuinely lending a helping hand they are on guard waiting for the next lawsuit threat.
Mr. Joe if I was unclear ...let me clarify I went to the Department of Justice and asked for their help with Officer A. Flores and Rhonda Bradshaw it has nothing to do with Crosspoint Ministries other than the calls that he made to Ms. Sandoval. Sir I have to much on my plate to pursue petty and trite litigation's I will focusing on the real issues. I think the issue with Prior House can be fixed with the power of respect. It actually is very easily applied.

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