It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bridgett Dunlap worst teacher ever

Long story see this bull hucky my child tested four years above his age group. He has adhd it doesn't mean that he does not know the information. This person wanted to hold him back in the first grade because of behavioral she claimed that he had a learning disability and it is her with the learning disability. She talks to everyone in the third person including the students that is snarky and pretentious. You can't teach children anything but intolerance if you have an inability to bring yourself to their level if you are unable to see that a child is four years above the levels he needs to be at then you have serious issues. This all took place after she pressured us to put him on medication that I was apposed to. I took my baby to get tested and it cost 250.00. It was school approved test that proved he should have been in the third grade and she was trying to hold him in first grade. Please everyone stop and think about a teacher that can not see the child's potential she thought he needed to be held back. That is not a good teacher. The truth is she had a vendetta for me because I march in the school and talk back she couldn't handle that. If your wrong and you have wronged my child I am going to tell you in the nicest way possible and if you can't handle you took the wrong job. Your not going to ruin my child's future without me standing up and putting you in your place. I expected my daycare parents to do the same with me. She is not a very emotionally intelligent woman she acts much like a child. After I went to the principal with all of this and had to continue to go the Principals office Dunlap was no longer teaching first grade. If I was wrong would that have happened?   

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