It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

854 Hot Wells rental home

 Teri owned this empty lot and she had tried selling storage sheds from this location. The city had to shut her down and it was a big deal because she then tried to use it for other business ventures. It is not commercially zoned and at no time did she register herself with the city to be selling various things from this location.
 I reluctantly rented his house from Teri I answered a craigslist ad and she showed me the property. It was for a rental of a room and this place was completely packed full of garbage and in the mix there was literally garbage. I gave her two hundred dollars I was in a hard place needed to find a place quickly because of the problems I had with three fountains apartments. I changed my mind because of the horrible condition of the home. I went to terri the very next day and asked for my money back and she said she put it towards the utilities and could not give my money back. That is not even legal in any state if someone gives you a deposit you put it in an escrow account. All her bills were behind in all her businesses. As I got to know Teri I found out someone stomach turning things. First this house was infested with all kinds of bugs and the worst of them was rabbit bites. I had never encountered these in my life. I guess the cold of Michigan kills off these times of bugs. I was bitten the moment I walked in the door and it took her more than a week to disclose the information she was well aware of. I had been struggling with these things ever since. The ex husband's friend broke into the home while I was at work and they broke floor boards out while I was at work. The floor boards were under the sink and most likely rotten from pipe leaks. This allowed a opossum entery into the house. There was a stray cat we allowed to come in that was also infested with the mites. Petting her caused her pain and she would bite. It took me a long time to understand what was happening. I went to countless doctors for this problem over the years and I had found medication that worked when I went back to the clinic to get my second dose they just said flatly "NO". The Castros and Gregory Marshall called them and told them not to give me more so I could be completely free of the affliction.
Something else super important right before I moved in there was a gas leak she looked at Christopher and said your lucky you didn't blow up. She DID NOT FIX THE GAS LEAK. she shut off the valve inside the house not the one out side and she did not call CPS either. I had to fix the mess when I moved in and paid for it myself.
The water main was busted. After she decided to play games with the lease agreement and shutting down the electricity we paid for I called saws to tell them how much water was in the front yard and it just kept flowing it was a huge leak and her husband took a piece of ply wood and covered it. It is not that hard to fix a water main leak people it is something I have done myself.
 There was a free clinic that had a government grant to treat people free to no cost these are the people that said they simply could not give me any more meds. Soon after that they lost their government grant. It was quiet a while ago and I don't remember if this was do to the Comey headed investigation or not.

There had been a city inspector trying to get in this property for years and she kept side stepping him not allowing him in. The home was condemned when I allowed him access. I had a lease agreement with Teri and she decided as a favor to Gregory Marshall, Chief McManus and the Castro Brothers to shut down the electricity. She was requiring a security deposit and this place does not justify such a thing it was horrible and unfit to live. I agreed to do the necessary work it needed. The grass in the back yard and front was more than knee high. She said she was sending her husband Diego over with a lawn mower. He never showed and I had to pay someone to come over and help me. We only went 20 feet into the back yard it was over whelming. She did not even own this it was a land contract. She promised me that I would be a director of her new daycare. One day for no good reason she told she opened that daycare and put someone else in it directing it. This was all put together by the Castro Brothers, Gregory Marshall, Vincente Sanchez and other sociopaths. Teri tried to evict me after I had just paid her more than two months rent and I had cleaned the house and the yard. All this was prearranged by the sick Castro Brothers and Chief McManus. She was planning this no matter what happened. She did not do anything legal at all she printed a letter on her computer and never went to the city to do it properly. She then locked my personnel things in the house while I was at work and refused me entry that is not legal I paid her way too much money and I had a lease agreement. There was a young named Christopher renting a room in the back of the house. He called me at work and told me what she was doing and I then proceeded with legal action against her. I started with calling the city inspector and telling him he had my permission and Christopher's permission to inspect the home. I also told him about the half garage in the back that she stuffed with toys and other things. This thing was open to the elements and after all those toys sat in there for years there is no way they would be usable in any daycare. It was full of car seats those expire and who would want to put their child in a bug infested car seat? The inspector first started with fining her 850.00 or something like that he gave her a time line to clean up the mess. She ignored that and eventually it was condemned and the actual owner was contacted and told that the city would take over the property if something was not done. There is so much more to this story and it will be blow your mind the hideous things this woman did and said. This is the important points here and the fact I walked away with the painful mites.
 The men at this fire station had been talked to by my ex husband and the castro brothers. I don't know what they were told but they all treated me like a piece of meat like I was a serial dater or some such thing it was strange to put it mildly. Engine 29

This is a daycare that is owned and operated by Teri which is her nick name. I don't remember her birth name. She had been ordered by the city to never operate a daycare again because she is so dirty and filthy. This daycare is a mess and it too is infested with bugs like bed bugs and rabbit mites. Teri is a hoarder and that is a part of the problem with all her bug infestations of all her businesses and personnel residence.

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