It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

May 22nd a SAPD officer decided he wanted to kill me

On May 22nd a SAPD officer decided he wanted to kill me an investigation was being conducted in the crimes he and other officers has committed in an effort to help my ex-husband cover and conceal the crimes of domestic violence during our ten year marriage. He had help from the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign to cover his own crimes and to commit many more crimes and never be brought to justice. He had taken our children from after the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign had went into a court of law and lied in an effort to gain custody of our children he refuses to allow me to see our children and he is lying to them telling them their mother is insane. When he was going into a court of law to do this he was telling me on the phone he planned on doing this I did feel he was being truthful or that he would be successful because he is a pathological liar and always has been, he has also been diagnosed with a sociopathic disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, which will shed light on the extend of the torture I and our children were subjected to during the marriage.  The director of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign Frank Castro Jr. called in a favor to the Texas CPS recorders department and had the CPS records that had my ex-husband removed from our home buried I was unable to get those records and take them into a court of law, he then called me bragging that I would never get my hands on those records it took me a year and a half before I was able to get those records and my children were already in the hands of their abusive father it has been three and a half years since I have seen or talked to my children because that is how sick my ex-husband is and all members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign  . When I came to Texas to fight for my children(from Michigan the members of San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign  were chasing me and terrorizing me), i couldn't get an attorney to help me and SAPD refused to help in fact I had an SAPD detective tell me that there would be no investigation into my crimes my ex-husband had committed against me bad checks written and credit cards taken out in my name and more this detective if Detective Maldonado. It took me more than a year to find out that it was the Castro Brothers that were helping to make sure I didn't get in to a court of law to get my children to safe environment and to get justice for what the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign had done to my family.
     Congressman Castro was literally calling attorneys lying to them telling them I was insane and that I was abusing drugs and alcohol, then these attorney's would not help me and I went on more than 30 free consultations.  After contacting the Clinton administration during elections and telling them this story congressman Castro called me himself and he lied to me and said he was going to help my children and I he said a lot more than just that. Congressman Castro's underlining agenda behind that phone call was to intimidate me into to a state of submission and make me understand that because he was the seed my demise I would never see my children again and I would never get justice against the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign because the organization is owned and ran by his family and friends. Julian Castro also has had his hands dirty in this unjust dealings and when I emailed the mayor's office begging for help in this matter not only did I have damage done to my vehicle but Julian Castro called the mayors' staff and told them I was insane and no body should listen to me and or help me. Congressman Castro thought he could lie and cover up the call, and in fact in a court of law Tamer Morsi told the judge no such call happened even though he knew full well it did happen. The number the congressman called from I found out was a line that was used by numerous Washington employees and untraceable. What the congressman was unaware of is there was an SAPD officer listen to the entire phone call.
When I was locked in my home on May 22nd 2017 because SAPD officer Flores was attempting to break in and kill me I lost everything my home, my job, possessions, my auto, good credit score, savings, I have an eviction on record that should never have happened and it will be there more than two years. The Chief's office of SAPD are the ones who decided to do this to me to hide the numerous crimes of many SAPD officers that was uncovered and proven during an extensive investigation that proved how the system was manipulated to attack me and cover the crimes of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and the coercion of the Castro brothers with as many people that the congressman Castro has called in my case asking people to attack me or ignore me he must have enough common sense to know not all of them will lie and say they didn't receive a call from him; of course most will lie when asked to but there will be some who have a moral compass pointing some where near north at which time his dirty dealings will be brought into the light.  I am now being attacked and chased down by not only the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign but also many people they are paying to attack me and chase me down the recent person was a woman named Maria Ochoa who offered labor and groceries in exchange for a safe place to stay she stole all my things locking them in her home. The text messages sent to her from the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign will revel that her object was to keep me from using computers and keep me from talking to attorneys and it is my hope that myself and those calls and text messages will be in a court of law soon; at this moment I am on the streets fighting for survival with no safe place for refuge after the chief's office has stripped me of everything. 

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