It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Kari Robertson assisted ex husband in attacking me

She was a girlfriend at this time and she had no business reading my daughters e-mails this woman is completely unstable she was calling threatening me and then she would lie to police officers telling them I was threatening her and stalking her. I never went near her. She filed for PPO and in it she included an email from Tamer Morsi telling her to do it and he instructed her what to say in documents that were per lies. It was the objective of Hubert and Kari Robertson to end my relationship with my daughter and they succeeded and every time she attacked me she was rewarded with material possessions.
Kari use to drive to my house and sit at the end of the drive way hacking into my wifi account she was being instructed by Gregory Marshall how to do this. She is completely insane and unstable. You don't need to take my word for her instability everyone of Hubert Robertson's friends will tell you just how insane she is.
My daughter has a couple of stories about how insane she is and the unstable behavior she consorts in she enjoys walking around the house looking in the window and she thinks Hubert has more girlfriends he probably does but how is peaking in the windows going to help? 

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