It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, January 12, 2018

Jan. 12th events that took place on the evening of Jan.11th

Mr. Mayor 
I regret to inform you that in your city there seems to be no such thing as whistle blowers rights or protection. 
Last night the staff of the Salvation Army took a friend into their office and told her if she helps me again she will be kicked out into the cold. Her health is not well and she is stressed beyond belief with this harassment. She feels that she can not defend herself against the bulling of the staff members because she has no where to go. She feels this cold will kill her if she is forced out by staff simply because she helped me stay alive the night before last. 
That is retaliation and silly me I thought it was against the law; perhaps I was mistaken. 
Chief McManus wins I won't have her help or anyone else and I will be out on the streets in the cold with the likely possibility of freezing to death. Well at least my children will have a wonderful law suit against this city and they will be financially set, some good will come. The other good thing is that you and Chief McManus will finally be done attacking the people of San Antonio and breaking laws. That's called manslaughter I have been begging you for help telling you what this man has done to me and you turn a blind eye. And your job is what? And is it you that is the one who can do anything about it? 
After my friend was bullied; Officers were sent to the Salvation Army looking for me. I was in fear for my well being again, I have broken no laws and went to the extreme to call and check to see if I had a warrant for my arrest. I have no warrant for my arrest so can someone explain to me why I have SAPD officers hunting me down all night long? I am surprised he didn't charge me with a fictitious crime and put an APB out for me. Maybe if I survive the freezing cold maybe he will do that next week. 
I watched the Kens 5 broad cast of you and your precious Chief, how pertinacious of me to think it was my story. That's next week too. 
I especially like your micro-expressions, you said you were standing by the Chief but you don't look happy about it. Can't hide those pesky micro-expressions. I am truly sorry that you are in this position I can't imagine making the decisions required to cover the crimes of a very sick man. 
The amazing thing is that each time you bring him in to talk about it; he doesn't even get one foot out of City Hall when he begins breaking the law once again and retaliating against me and others too weak to protect themselves.
Mayor I want to tell you one more time I am on the streets I have no where to go I need help. I should not have to be knocking on the doors of shelters I had a house before your Chief striped me to the bone. I will die in the cold and my children will never be able to be with me again. But when you attempt to explain my cold hard corpse to the nation all these emails will be seen and the nation will say: "What kind of man refuses to help a victim of Chief McManus' sociopath tendencies?" Really what kind of man does that? 
You don't believe me when I tell you the FBI is watching what you do? Suit yourself dear. 


  1. Ariel Jade Robertson my daughter contacted first at 2am. My enemies were very worried I would be going to MLK March to announce to Mayor he had taken my civil rights completely away and he has no business claiming to be a supporter of civil rights. Because my enemies were so very worried they once again employed my daughter to upset me telling her lies and trying to instill guilt in me because she shut her own mother out of her life. The text messages will be posted.
    In 2015 my daughter contacted me claiming she wanted to mend fences. She was lying and what was really happening was she was drilling me about whether or not I go to bars if I had a house..ect.... A bird told me that she was helping Gregory Marshall her step father and that was the only reason she was contacting me at that time it is the only reason she is contacting me now. My little bird saw the text messages between Greg and Ariel and those text messages will be seen in a court of law. Not only was Ariel receiving a block of instruction from step father but her father as well. Because at that time I cried and became depressed about the entire ordeal Greg Marshall thought he could cause the same reaction yesterday, sorry Greg unlike you I learn from my mistakes. Although I love my daughter I know she is not to be trusted. I fear that the narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies she is displaying are untreatable and this is who she will be in this life. What kind of person does this to their own mother? That is a scary individual who has no line in the sand. The lies she tells are so outlandish that even a detached stranger can see the issue.
    Once again I told my daughter a trained killer was hunting me and tried to take my life. Her reaction was to focus on herself and claim I allianated her from my life and it is quite the opposite. Try to think of what your reaction would be if your mother told you someone tried to take her life. I tread the truth my daughter is very sick. I also fear that because is now a grown woman she will be charged as an accessory in this case. It is her step father who pulled her into this and she made some very bad choice's.

  2. It was mayor Taylor that this started with she was told over and over again what the Chief was doing. I don't know if it was her staff that refused to tell her or it was her choose to ignore it. Whatever the circumstances surrounding the fact McManus was allowed to break laws and manipulate the system it is absolute truth it was passed to Mayor Ron and I am sure he was not given the details. However in the last four months both Detective Helle and myself have been repeatedly telling the mayor and his staff and they ignore it and cover it up.
    When in a court of law I will be requesting that the mayor take his staff with him out of the office. I think it only fair that all this follow their careers because the role they played to cover it all from public view.
    The Mayor chose to stand by the Chief when should have removed him from duty station and now the Mayor will go with, standing by his Chief. I pray for you Mr. Mayor because I know the Chief is looking at time.

  3. The man who I thought was a Friend isn't what he seems he is communicating with greg Marshall and the chief via email. Gregory Marshall thinks he can hide emails and make them go away but I have it on the authority of the Detroit FBI agents that these things never really disappear and it's a foolish man who thinks they are going to out smart the FBI or any other agency of its kind. I am watching this with great amusement. It is no surprise to me how stupid my ex husband is. It's his arrogant idea that he is smarter than most others that caused his down fall, he can not even define the word humble.

  4. The man who I thought was a Friend isn't what he seems he is communicating with greg Marshall and the chief via email. Gregory Marshall thinks he can hide emails and make them go away but I have it on the authority of the Detroit FBI agents that these things never really disappear and it's a foolish man who thinks they are going to out smart the FBI or any other agency of its kind. I am watching this with great amusement. It is no surprise to me how stupid my ex husband is. It's his arrogant idea that he is smarter than most others that caused his down fall, he can not even define the word humble.

  5. I find it very Noble of the mayor to tell the entire city he is going to stand by the chief and be held accountable for the crimes committed by the Chief.
    I am pretty sure that was going to happen anyway and to think he didn't bother to take the time and look at the enormous amount of crimes the chief has committed. The captain always goes down with the ship farwell mayor Ron. Perhaps your next endeavour will be win next to this massive failure you will be know for. Oh I get it you thought you were going cover up his crimes by commuting crimes of your own go right ahead see where that gets you. General population?

  6. Now that something is finally being done by higher authority you can bet that the Chief will be sending Shannon and Kasberg at me for the fourth time lying and making things up that don't exist like I am threatening McManus and I have never threatened him or any other soul in my life time. Then Shannon will tell me I am being taken because of parinoia then she writes on emergency detention lies. Don't take my word for it look at Henderson's coban and look at the writing on the emergency detention. If taking someone in for paranoia was a real thing half this city would be in mental health. This is the tax payers money at work...or rather at waste being used to cover the enormous amount of crimes committed by the police chief and mayor.
    I do want to know if the FBI has already shared evidence with Ken Paxton or if that comes later. Too bad no worned the Mayor the mess he was stepping into. Wait I did and so did Detective Helle so why did he do nothing?
    Some how I think there were more than us warning him.
    The evidence will soon show how many people he ignored and kept covering the crimes the corruption and official oppression happening in his city.

  7. I do love Mayor Ron's sarcasism This not Greg Brockhouses' world? Well I am going to make it his world because I am going to hand over all the wonderful evidence of what the chief is doing and I am pretty sure city manager skulley is most certainly responsible and my children and I are not trees and we will be much louder than tree's. Watch the festive week it will be.

  8. I am shocked about the unprofessional and ugly words from Mayor Ron thank you for showing me who you really are....Mr. Brockhouse is obviously a better man for standing up for what is right. You remember when you made that statement you had already received many months of correspondence from me. May your career rest in peace I vote for Mr Brockhouse....

  9. I am shocked about the unprofessional and ugly words from Mayor Ron thank you for showing me who you really are....Mr. Brockhouse is obviously a better man for standing up for what is right. You remember when you made that statement you had already received many months of correspondence from me. May your career rest in peace I vote for Mr Brockhouse....
