It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gregory Marshall manipulating college Sept. 11th

I have just been informed that it is my ex husband that is manipulating college students to stalk and harass today. He has called college police telling them to stalk and harass. He is sending text messages to people to walk up to me outside. They are all stupid enough to listen to his instruction. He is manipulating the computers in the computer lab and he is manipulating the phone. He continues to try to send me outside to take pictures. His objective? No one could possibly figure that out  he is completely insane and unpredictable what he thinks he is accomplishing no one else would be able to make sense of or agree with.
When is it time to get control of the mad man? Our children will never fully heal from the abuse they will never be functioning healthy happy adults. The amount of abuse that they have suffer is unthinkable. The abuse continues and no one is helping them.
In 2017 I went to see them after Christmas I forced my way into the apartment. What I found is the children all sleeping in one bed. My 10 year old daughter was sleeping naked with her brothers. Gregory Marshall had colored the hair of our sons to black. Many people were telling him over and over again that the children look like their mother. So he decided during Christmas break he would color the boys hair so they looked more like him and less like their mother. He has been spending all these years trying to eliminate their mother from their existence including trying to erase any memory of their mother. He most likely tried to color Ava's hair too and I am sure she loudly protested. The boys went along with it knowing that they would suffer repercussions if they refused to agree to the loony Gregory Marshall. This is a very sick man he really is so insane that he thought he could convince the teachers and counselors at school the boys hair changed naturally and that it was eventually going to change. This is not true. Anikin was only 9 years old and no child that age should ever have to be exposed to those kind of chemicals and he has no idea what he is doing with hair coloring. They are lucky their hair did not fall out.
I went to their apartment on more than one occasion when I knocked on the door the kids were running around saying she is here she is here and then they hid. They never answered the door for their own mother. You think my children have not been brain washed think again and no one is doing interviews and talking to them about the lies they have been told about their mother.
They lived in a two bedroom apartment for 5 years and having them in that apartment is not even legal. He lied to courts he lied to CPS investigators and said they were in a three bedroom apartment. I went to the apartment when they were there and after they had been evicted. It was a disgusting mess they could not sleep in their beds they were covered in toys and dirty cloths. The kitchen was infested with cockroaches, ants, maggots, and flies. None of the appliances had been cleaned in 5 years. The garbage was never taken out ever the counters and cupboards had never been cleaned.
The bathrooms had never been cleaned there were inches of slug in both the bath tubs and the toilets. There are dozens of pictures of all this and those pictures were given to the FBI, they were also posted on Instagram. The Castro Brothers immediately confronted him on the mess and the two bedroom apartment that is unfit and he told them he could not afford more than that. You can't afford to clean the bath tubs and the toilets?  If you can not afford to maintain a fit living environment for our children you should not have custody and the Castro Brothers know they will be held accountable for that because they manipulated the system so you would get custody. They were lied to as well and now they can tell american why they can pay minions 150.00 dollars each to attack me and they can't help my children live healthy. They can explain to america why when the children were with their mother they always had a home that was greater that 2000 sq. feet and now they are forced to live in a filthy cracker box. You can all tell america why you think it is OK that my children go to school in rags stained and ripped clothing when you pay people like Chuck Anderson 600.00 to keep me from going to the FBI.
You can all tell the Nation why my children can't get proper nutrition, why they are being poisoned by their father when you paid Walt Smith more than 1200.00 dollars when you were trying to sent me up for a crime that I never committed.
You all will be telling the nation why you think it is OK that you are letting this fat psycho manipulate computers and email addresses making sure my children and I never communicate. He is hacking into the College networks and using the information of these students to pull more people into the attack on his ex wife and my children are being brain washed to believe that their mother doesn't love them doesn't want them. They have been told their mother is hooked on drugs and an alcoholic. Try to imagine how my children are going to react when they find out how hard their father has been trying to kill their mother. 

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