It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Episcopal Church Sept 7th 10am

  1. My enemies are so petty and they are just like High School children first of all they have filled the churches and streets with minions who have all been attacking me over the past several years. They gave me poison cigarettes and poison coffee all this is being done while the FBI and NSA investigators watch them they are so desperate to make themselves look human and make me look non that when I was at the church and received the homeless bag I adjusted by taking out what I can not or will not use and I put some recesses in my bag these morons think they can accuse me of being a thief, yes I am a thief right! that is why I have nearly died from starvation on several occasions and why I am on the streets unable to bathe.
    You morons are sending people to attack me assault me and to stalk and harass me. You sent people to steal my bag with all the SSN cards and all other forms of ID and you think you are going to justify your crimes because I added recess to a food bag OMG you are such simpletons you would not even fit in at High School level.  
  2. You sociopaths at this church have stolen my entire bag of journals and clothing I have nothing in this world it has all been taken from me and these sick people at the church take my bag knowing exactly who it belongs to then they took he items from the bag and they placed them out for the homeless and needed to take in front of my face. One woman who was helping to attack me was pointing me to some pants and that is because those pants had tracking devises in them. Of course I did not take them. You just remember everyone those tracking devices are government property and they using them unlawfully. You remember that every member of the church who works sidewalk Saturdays is helping to attack an innocent woman getting in their automobiles and chase me all over the streets of San Antonio these are very sick people and yes I am feeling animosity I want justice and more importantly I need  to be pulled to safety i am in pain and no one will listen so it is looking like the JAMES COMEY investigation team are also sociopaths with no beating heart. 
  3. there were a hundred people there and they are all people who have been attacking me over the past 2 years. I will post the pictures momentarily and tell you a description of what each of these very sick people did. 
  4. Some of these people claim they are the good side and they are cooperating with an investigation they are ALL sociopaths that are attacking an innocent woman fighting to keep herself alive. 
  5. I have no idea if the coffee was poisoned this time as it was two weeks ago but if it was they were poisoning all the criminals. Some of those criminals I did not recognise but you can bet they have attacked me in the past and they are still attacking me now.  
  6. Angel who was helping dirty police officers to attack me and my ex husband he stopped helping them and refused to do the hideous thing they asked him to do. So they began to attack him in the same manner they attack me they were in his phone and he was not getting messages and the battery would die very quickly. He said that he threw it away when the screen started glitching and he could get it to stop moving. That has happened to me numerous times over the years and it requires a factory reset. You can bet it is my ex husband, Gregory Marshall  doing this with the help of the all Sociopathic agents that have come to San Antonio to attack me and collude with foreign agents to attack our country. Angel said he threw it away but I hope he didn't throw away evidence.  
  7. I was given two or more poison cigarettes this morning and i will be needing help and i will be very ill my body already hurts and i can barely move and they still won't pull me to safety you are just as evil as the sociopaths attacking our democracy you complain about the director of CIA torturing witnesses and you are doing the same thing you have allowed my children to be tortured and you are torturing me until I finally die or have a nervous break down. 
  8. It is absolutely true that I am giving up on life I don't want to do this anymore and I begging to be pulled out you ass holes can not even help see the light at the end of the tunnel you can't even get control of the phone you are letting dirty agents get in my face and threaten me and you are not helping me. I am feeling like death is the best and only way out. My enemies wanted to create the feeling of hopelessness and suicidal tendancies and it is those feelings that have been caused by the people claiming to be the good guys the James Comey and Robert Mueller teams. THANKS A LOT FOR CARING. 
  9. They know your there watching they know they have nothing to loose and they are just going to keep attacking me and turning up the intensity 

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