It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 16, 2019

Another Sociopath Minion

 This is another sociopath it was instructed to come in to Starbucks and eat and drink in front of me knowing that I have no food no money and no way to get any food my enemies are hoping to create an emotional upset and nervous breakdown. Of course it's upsetting It's upsetting that this is a sociopath and he's stupid enough to help my enemies to attack me watching me starve to death happy to help in the conspiracy to kill a mother fighting for her children a mother barely hanging on to life.
Ride was sent in to bother me again in hopes that I would leave Starbucks and there would be no documentation of the stocking Minions that are being sent in here no pictures and no stories. While the annoying read the violent man that he is sit next to me they sent a woman to inform him that she was going to be buying him a meal. This is another tactic of my enemies they do it often they want me to see that criminals who are out here homeless like me get things given to them and silver platter while I will be given nothing no food no money and no other accomidations.
I am already well aware there are no Good Samaritans here in San Antonio there was only about two people that have helped me and those two people are being attacked by the city of San Antonio dirty City officials and dirty city employees that is punishment for helping me. This is how they make sure that nobody will ever help me. These people that are being attacked for helping me are an example to all the rest of the sociopaths that are helping the dirty politicians here in San Antonio. So even if there is somebody with a pulse in the mix of all of these minions these sociopaths they won't help me in fear of being attacked by the Castro Brothers the mayor Hillary Clinton Barack Obama or President Donald Trump

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