It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, September 15, 2019

After Library taking pictures

I was taking pictures and I took a lot well it's what I do. I came across a gated community and the door was wide open I should have ignored it but I went in. It was my enemies setting me up for failure and I should know that. They have been in the phone all day being dumb and thank goodness at this time I can turn it back on.
Someone from another apartment complex called and complained. I want to tell you once again that taking pictures is not illegal and I had to argue this point with the police officers that responded to the call. They said to me that if we look in your phone there will be no pictures? You think you are looking in my phone illegal search and seizure who do you think you are you need to be seen for that God Complex. They went so far as to say that street CAMs don't take pictures of autos because it is illegal yes believe it or not the officer said that. Then he jumped a fence and walked up behind me and grabbed me for detaining. He continued to say very stupid things about pictures and they both said very stupd things about the FBI and their procedures. Officer C who's name I will look up in a minute told me he works with the FBI implying that he works with them right now, then he changed his story to "I have worked with them before". Cute and both officers continued to tell me what the FBI does or does not do and when I told them that Agent Hauser told me to take pictures because I am being stalked and harassed by my ex husband and his friends these officers said that doesn't make any sense. What? In what world does that not make sense? Yes the officer literally lied and said having pictures taken of autos is illegal. Then he continued to claim to be an expert of FBI procedures. He grabbed said they are detaining me because I was not cooperating. The only thing I did was tell them that it is not legal to ask for someone's ID if they have not broke the law. That is a statement about how laws are written and has nothing to do with cooperation. If he had asked my name and date of birth I would have given it I do every time I deal with dirty officers. When Officer C grabbed me he said that they are going to detain me to see if I did something wrong does that make any sense at all? I yelled out thank God for Coban recording devices and their attitudes immediately changed. I told them my story that more than one officer has tried to take my life and they decided I was crazy. Yes that is right they are butt heads. Because police officers never act badly and they never threaten a person's life OH PLEASE how embarrassed these fools will be when this all comes out. Well that one statement makes us want to take you to behavioral heath this city is ridiculous you are not safe telling the truth you are given no other choice but to lie.
Long story short they put me in the cruiser and let me say loudly they did not ask my name they asked for my ID they never once asked my name see the recording.
He took my ID ran it through the system and he made a phone call in the system there is a note stating that they must call a SGT. in the chief's office I have witnesses this before and I heard the man with my own ears talking derogatory about me and calling me out of my name. He tells officers over and over again that I am insane. Lying to officers who blindly believe him.
Cokerham  0108 and Talcom 5 spelling maybe off. The Cokerman is correct. You can the rest of the info from him. When the Chief found out what was happening he sent the officers back at me to apprehend me they came back and went in a apartment complex I was not in tell the rest when I am not being hunted ...must go

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