It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Mystic lake casino

at the mystic lake casino they were playing games again and not just the machines or the cards either. the more I thought that if they could get me to use other people's cards then security could have me removed and possibly charged with crime. their entire intent was to get me back out on the streets suffering out in the middle of nowhere on a park bench starving to death. the woman that you see in the picture looks like Michelle Vance. they told me that I had to go over to the car and sit down at a machine I was instructed to do so. then the woman got on the phone started having a conversation stood right behind me just 2 ft away from me she didn't have to get that close apparently she doesn't know what she's doing. she's announcing that Rory Vance was coming over to the hotel and he was going to bring all that junk with him from the property room. see how stupid they are people can hear you investigators are in your phone you just disclosed to the entire world that your Rory Vance went to the Eagan police department and collected my property that was in the property room. that's how stupid this b**** is. then some tall man with brown hair and brown glasses walked up and stood next to her taking out a lot of cash and counting it in front of me. that's what these monsters do they torture someone taking their bank account making them suffer making them starve to death and then they take out money and food and they flaunt it in front of their face hoping to create an angry outburst hoping to create an emotional breakdown that's how sick they are and you're doing them favors and you will be indicted. after I took pictures of the cards that were purposely put in my path Rory Vance then fried my phone it was frozen for the rest of the night he does this often. he had a big plan to manipulate the security officers and the police department he didn't want me to get videos or pictures of his big plan he had been planning it for 3 days. the moment I went to the casino they decided to go to the hotel and check in and get rooms and then decided I needed to be kicked out back on the streets. they continuously manipulated the employees Andrea manipulated several employees who became aggressive with me. Andrea is unstable and everybody knows it but they still want to do her favors talking about how pretty she is. Andrea decided to send these employees at me looking at my membership card claiming that I was loitering in the casino however the membership card was showing that I was actually using it sitting at the games I have a few vouchers that are only worth $0.10 $0.05 and whatnot not enough for me to gamble and not enough for me to eat. I made a desperate situation and being in the casino helped a lot. so the employees continuously looked at my membership card to see if activity when they saw the activity they decided they couldn't kick me out simply because the very sick and Disturbed agent boil agent worm and Rory Vance and Christopher death wanted me kicked out. I finally had a man named Igor by me a meal. Christopher deck and Rory Vance were told to give my bank account back to me they were told to allow me to get a room they were told to give me cash they refused to comply with the order. they asked a man named Igor to buy me a meal then he gave me the same rule that Christopher deck and Roy Vance always use that I'm not allowed to have any cash he's only getting me food and that's it. they claim that it's Ted Cruz that made the rule Ted Cruz has no business manipulating these agents who claim to be doing an investigation who have a free paid for vacation because they're lying about conducting and investigation. they're not doing any investigation they're committing very serious crimes and while they're committing those serious crimes they are colluding with foreign power. when I was sitting in a chair I had a security officer and a police officer approached me they told me they found my notes. they told me that my notes that I had written and left it around the casino were disturbing. the note reads Rory Vance and Christopher dech are rapist pigs. they attack the anointed and make statements over and over that they're going to bring Jesus Christ out into the open and kill him. that's what the note says because that's what they say to me over and over again. I did not say that I'm going to it does not say that. they definitely are rapist and I have been raped by both of them. the security officer's name is Crystal. both the officer and Crystal were asking for my identification. if I haven't committed a crime then it's not legal for an officer to ask for my identification she claimed that she didn't know my name but yet she knows I'm the one that wrote the note and left it lay on a machine. the reason for the note is all those people in the casino are there doing favors for Rory Vance and officer Christopher death and they need to be informed of what they have stepped into the mess that was created by these two rapists they are criminals and everybody who is pulled in is on a FBI watch list you just got set up you were just tested you failed your test. the point is what will you do with the Free Will that you were given and all of you chose bullies. all of you chose to attack and innocent mother fighting for her children fighting to stay alive the officer treated me as if I had done something wrong I don't see anything wrong with the note. he asked me if I needed any resources now of course I do need resources but he doesn't have the resources to offer. he wasn't sincere he wasn't going to make any phone calls he wasn't going to find a homeless shelter and find me transportation to a homeless shelter that's ridiculous and I know that because he was being influenced and manipulated by Rory Vance and agent Boyle Christopher deck and all the other idiots. Crystal continuously told me that because of the nature of the note and in nature the details of the note are odd and strange I needed to leave the premises. I wasn't doing anybody any harm and it wasn't violating any of the policies or procedures of the casino. quite and fact when they left a voucher and somebody's membership card in my path I walked it over to security and handed it to them. Rory Vance and his b**** Michelle we're trying to set me up for a crime not only would I be removed from the casino but I would be charged with a crime. theift. does anybody find it odd that Crystal the security officer kept using the term in nature in nature the note is odd and disturbing in nature now let's review the competency test that was written the botched illegal fraudulent competency test that was hideously stupid throughout the entire competency test it says in nature. I got up and walked away from the security and the officer because I knew who was manipulating them and I knew they were trying to have me put in a hospital for emergency detention. as I walked away they watched me and he was in his police cruiser following me when they stopped following me I sat down on a step to take a breather and decide what I was going to do. it was the middle of the night there were no buses although I finally did get a meal to eat and was feeling a little bit stronger I knew that it was going to be a 20 mile walk. because that's what a monster Michelle Vance is. "in nature". Crystal then walked up to me and told me that I needed to leave the property that I had to call it a night and I was no longer allowed on the property for the night. so as I was walking down the road I ended up at ice rink and there was a bunch of semi trucks that were parked there there was four different vehicles that were following me and circling me. earlier that evening I had a white van that was following me around. that white van passed me as I was walking down a desolate isolated Street. I stopped by the semi trucks and thought maybe I would be safer because they're asleep in their vehicles. I couldn't stay long before security showed up and I had to walk away before I was confronted once again. I walked down the road with that was a rule area and all of those predators who have been attacking me for so long we're driving past over and over again revving their engines speeding I was terrified they would drive up onto the sidewalk and hit me and it would not be the first time this attempt has been made on my life. I stopped at the gaming commission and started to write a letter to the gaming commission about what had happened to me what the security officer and the police officer had done. the lights indicated trouble. danger Will Robert soon danger. I knew it was time to go because even though I had a legitimate reason to be there it was the middle of the night they were not open and they would have arrested me for trespassing. routine Castro loves to claim trespassing every chance he gets the man is hideous. that same officer that was harassing me and attacking me at the casino was about to drive to the game and commission building to arrest me. Tom I'm sorry but you should not have done that. so I walked down the street not knowing where to go not knowing where the bus stop was not knowing what I was going to do. still in the same predicament I haven't been housed or sheltered since July 21st and the casino was my only refuge from my attackers. the moment I used the casino as a refuge a sanctuary they started to attack harder cuz they want me on those streets they are convinced they can cause my emotional and mental break. because I was bewildered and I was giving up on humanity deciding that perhaps my Lord and Savior found the wrong person for the job not one single Good Samaritan until Igor came along only to find out later that Rory Vance was supposed to give me cash because that took my bank account. I laid down on a sidewalk sleep. early in the morning about 6:00 a.m. a police officer showed up he's from prior lake he was told that he was I was a crazy woman sleeping on a sidewalk and that I might need medical intervention. whoever called this police officer claimed I was crazy announcing they knew exactly who I was and they knew exactly why I was laying on that sidewalk. please have to ask me if I was all right he asked me several test questions to test my competency. he took down my name and he checked the system for my name telling me that he was unable to find my name in the system. he told me I will warn you that it is a crime to lie to a police officer and give a false name. so even though I didn't commit a crime and I don't legally have to provide my identification I did it anyway. I told him the story of I'm from Texas I was put in the jail by the Eagan Police department was there for 4 months never had a speedy trial never had a fair trial never had any trial at all. the officer couldn't find me in the system I'm not in the system listed as being in the jail. they removed me from the system I was told that I had been removed from the system but I didn't believe it. they lied to me all the time expecting me to repeat false stories accusing them of things they haven't done simply because they're the ones saying they did it when they didn't. but this time it was confirmed by two police officers because he had another officer show up when they told me that I was lying to them and I had never been in the Dakota County jail you can imagine my upset. I pulled out the wristband that I was wearing while I was in the Dakota County jail and handed it to the office. officer Bo Johnson and his partner looked in the system and couldn't find any records that I had been in the Dakota County jail they found this to be very strange. those prior lake officers in Scott County looked into it further knowing the situation was very odd. Rory Vance has a hammer coming down on his head there was an officer in the jail named officer Haley who is associated with officer Christopher deck and officer Rory Vance oh wait Rory Vance isn't an officer. why do you keep putting on the uniform saying you're an officer. officer Bo Johnson drove me back to the casino after calling the casino to see if it was all right for me to go back to the casino so I can get on a bus. when he got them on the phone they said that it was only for the night they only asked me to leave for the night. they just said that I just needed to take a break because I wrote a note announcing that I've been attacked by Roy Vance and Christopher death how dare I. then all of a sudden the individual that the officer was talking to said she can't come back in the seat casino at all now they're changing their mind it's as if they're having an inner battle in their head. why do you got to keep me out of the casino who's there does it have something to do with me seeing Lady Gaga last night oh I got to stay out of the hotel because the precious Lady Gaga is at the casino and that's the b**** that's attacking me convincing my children it's a good idea to attack their own mother why do I have to stay out of the casino do you own it suddenly Gaga.

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