It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Embassy suites

at the embassy suites there is a foreign agent working as a security officer. he started following me around the parking lot claiming that I can't take any pictures. I was told to take those pictures and I informed him that I was told to take those pictures by Chief McManus and everybody in his office I was also told to take those pictures by the FBI. then he demanded that I delete all the pictures out of my phone you can't do that dumbass once I take a picture I own it it's my property I'm not doing anything wrong. I've had to have five FBI agents tell me that I'm not doing any wrong because of individuals like you because he was being manipulated by Christopher dech the moron. that security officer that isn't really a security officer reminds me of an international agent who I had to deal with from the Ukraine and I believe that's who that is. good job Christopher why don't you expose all of the international spies and international agents that are here in Minnesota that was really smart stupid.

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