It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, May 22, 2020

The deficit

See all of these various things that I'm pointing out to you see all of the expense involved all of these stalkers and harassers somebody's paying for their gas they're being reimbursed and its taxpayers that are reimbursing them for committing crimes see these apartments and condos that are being bought up it's the taxpayers that sang for this they're creating the deficit spending money like it's water they're doing it on purpose they're creating the deficit on purpose to make the president look bad. And you've heard him speak in front of the Nation about how much these investigations are costing he knows what's happening and he's trying to stop it. I've said it a hundred times and I'm going to continue to say it because I want it to be considered in court of law every one of these dirty agents every one of these dirty foreign spies their assets need to be liquidated and what is gained from the liquidation needs to be applied to the deficit their automobiles need to be repossessed their homes need to be auctioned off they need to have their bank account seized and all of it needs to go back to the test dollar taxpayers it needs to be applied Tour de France we need to end the deficit prediction.

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