It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Vincent Sanchez The Neighborhood Place

This man is a drug addict and alcoholic he was supposed to go to prison for his drunk driving apparently he hurt somebody very badly  he never really got control of his addiction either  it was Nikola Hood  that was his attorney that got him off and he didn't have to go to prison at all or jail  and he likes to brag about this in his class has his classes are parenting classes he continuously says over and over again how he is to close personal friend of Nicola Hut and at the time Nicola Hood was the DEA .  I was told by many attorneys that I needed to go get a PPO against my ex-husband and his friends  I continuously applied for it and Nicola Hood continuously denied it . Because Vincent Sanchez announced during his parenting class that he was the close personal friend of my ex-husband  and he manipulated Nicola hood and a helping Gregory Marshall keeping me from getting that PPO . That is one of the many things that I told his competitor  one of the many reasons he's no longer da .  Vincent Sanchez is not qualified to be teaching parenting classes he is not a parent he does not have a master's degree  he is unstable continuously over and over again during his classes he was using my name  talking derogatory and nasty slandering me  talking about how I believe in UFOs and therefore that makes me crazy because I believe aliens exist . I don't just believe it I know it and because this moron doesn't believe  he proves to the world how stupid and small-minded he is . He manipulated me when I attended one of his classes  I talked about being abused during my marriage and in the middle of his class he talked to all the men and said why don't we all get together and go beat the crap out of her ex-husband  yes that's right he was promoting violence during a parenting class that is designed  to help parents stop the abuse they are guilty of  that's how sick he is .  he played me and said that he might be able to help me gave me his email and told me to send him my story  and then he tried to use my story against me  trying to convince people that I was insane that the story made me crazy  Vincent Sanchez then got in his red automobile and chase me all over the Streets of San Antonio and he did this for years  he is very unstable man  during his classes he also shared stories of how he still going out and getting drunk  I don't think that's a good idea you've told everybody that you have a serious problem with addiction and abusing substances Vincent Sanchez is not qualified to teach classes  it was truly Gonzalez that was chairing this nonprofit organization that put him in charge of these classes  where he corrupts parents  who want to  remain a part of their children's lives after they were found guilty of The View  during his classes he says how much he hates CPS  and then hire process in which GPS uses  to evaluate the abuse of children CPS has a lot of issues  but you should keep your opinion to yourself while you're teaching me to classes  CPS is full of flying agent 

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