It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Heather who has used many names FBI agent who is a spy

I don't actually know where she's from everybody was telling me that she's from Moscow but that doesn't mean that she actually is from Moscow. They were trying to throw Russia under the bus and they were telling me that every person that passed me was from Moscow apparently Moscow is empty and everybody's here according to Hillary and her house of demons and they expected me to believe this crap seriously. It's the Art of War when you go with the flow and let them think they're winning and Hillary proved how stupid she is cuz she still thinks that she's winning she still thinks that she's gotten away with it because she doesn't have much of a brain don't be fooled.
I've had this psycho on me long before I was locked in my house rifling through all of my online account emails she was in all of my phone's she's in this one too. That evidence got in the right Hands by the way. She's never going to see the light of day again and she's dumb enough to keep going let's talk about some of the things that she did
It was this monster this bipolar sociopath that decided to take a paid vacation so that she could train all the dogs to attack me stalking harassment assault me sexually that's why I call her a hore because she has an awful lot of instruction for these people to try to get into my pants things that she thinks will work like make a move on her when she's asleep apparently it works for her and that's why she's applying it to this situation. There's a whole lot of homeless drug addicts out here that thinks that they're going to get in bed with her and there's even more dirty cops that think the same thing. She was making cassette tapes and handing these cassette tapes out to all of the criminals on the street and on the cassette tapes there was a block construction what to do to me and a description of me a whole lot of faults information was there as well I can't wait to hear it in a court of law. Then she would get out there with the dogs that she had trained and chase me around the Streets of San Antonio dumb enough to let herself be seen by investigating officers and investigating agent. Came into a Starbucks one day and apparently she thought I was going to have an angry Outburst on her because she thinks that everybody else out in the world is as psycho is she in that's her downfall. What good would an angry Outburst on the cycle do me? Would I get Justice would my children be pulled to safety what our democracy be saved the answer is no to all of that no I'm not going to have an angry Outburst Hunter but I got lots of pictures lots of pictures of her license plate too and she allowed that to happen that's not smart people that's the opposite of smart.
To pull people out of prison and put them on the streets not only were they going to attempt to take my life attempt to stop me and beat on me but they were also targets that she had to get rid of because they're Witnesses because they're members of the opposing party. But she played him good they thought that they had freedom your freedom involves a coffin and she's going to put you in it if you had a brain you would have figured it out yourself.
She had people instructed to take me to a motel room so then she could grab me an arrest me most of that I avoided I'm very surprised if that last motel room I went to with the drunk Oscar didn't lead to my faults rest and have me thrown in prison because this is what Blondie has been trying to do 4 years and she keeps failing.
When I was attending the faith-based Institute Church Pastor Jackson kept telling me about something that was going to happen he added it to his sermon it was a message if you find a purse full of money that is not a blessing from God it took several months before it happened he was telling me what she was planning on doing. I played along once again I found the purse and it had a lot of money in it. And I did think that the investigating agents the undercover agent had left that for me you keep me going to keep me alive. Because what she did was copy the treasure hunt that I do with the investigating agents investigating officers so they really have any unique ideas the copies other people grabs onto the coattails of greatness she is not great. Thank God she has our looks because she doesn't have much common sense of brains at all. Some of the money that was in that purse was counterfeit she pulled it out of evidence lockup. That evening that I was carrying it around she got in her vehicle and was chasing me down waiting for me to spend it so she could rest me herself she was the one that pulled it out of evidence lockup and she's going to arrest me for using it and as I said before that's the opposite of smart. I hung onto the two pieces of counterfeit money for a week and then she got antsy and scared she decided when I was going to the San Antonio Community College to use the library she was going to send some agents to arrest me just for having it on my person. I saw what she was doing a mile away so as I sat down writing one of my letters I decided to write a special letter to somebody I thought I could trust and put the evidence in the letter. This helps us with the timeline I started handing out those letters in late September of 2019. the reason that she did this money trick was to get me to stop handing out the letters the letters were handwritten when I started and finally I typed them up and started making copies. as time went on I had extra stuff to add to the letter Miss Thing did not help her cause she just kept digging her grave not impressive whatsoever. I was sitting at Sparky's which I did almost every day running up the letter Bob always comes in to do the paperwork in the morning. Bob is part owner of those four bars that are there in the coffee shop that whole little strip and as I said before I thought I could trust him but I didn't know he was in the pocket of Stephanie Flores the sheriff.  I wrote the letter put the evidence in the letter asked Bob to please give it to NSA or Undercover sapd there's no way of knowing if he was going to be able to get it into the right hands. And because I knew that it was such a sticky situation I simply sat in front of the cameras there knowing but there's a lot of people inside those cameras watching I made sure the letter was sticking outside of the mailbox so someone else could grab it that mailbox right in front of the camera too.   so as I sat there at the table at Sparky's I was watching the FBI agent the dirty wants some of them are actually double agents I was also watching City pickup truck drive by and I knew that that was an undercover sapd officer I was hoping that one would get the evidence and I think he did too but I don't know for sure because I walked away nobody can drive up and take it while I'm sitting there. I believe it got in the right hands and she royally sscrewedherself.

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