It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Derwin Williams GI Forum

Derwin-Williams approached me at Travis Park . It was a bit of a setup to introduce me to a foreign agent . He's supposed to be beating his feet on the streets finding homeless veterans .  He was sent to Travis Park and was given a description of me and he sat down with me telling me that he could help me with my situation of course he can't because I've been to the GI Forum repetitively over and over again for two years . The last person I talk to you at the GI Forum was Flores I believe his name is John Flores and every time I showed up for an appointment mysteriously John wasn't there and I never got any help or any Veterans Services . Derwin was very interested in the emails that I sent Senator Cruz and Senator cornyn about my situation and the fact that veteran services have been manipulated  make sure that I don't get services . Of course the Senators didn't do anything because they are the special Pals of all the city officials here in San Antonio Texas .  While I was having a conversation with Derwin I was trying to tell him my story and every time I started to answer one of his questions and tell him how I got in this situation I would tell him about the dirty politicians that I was up against he would put his hand up and stop me from talking and didn't really want to hear my story at all he minimized my situation by telling me everybody has problems with dirty politicians  don't ask the question if you don't want the answer and if you don't have enough patience to sit there and listen to the answer objectively then don't ask .  Every time I tried to speak to this man he would stop me and start quoting scripture  scripture that didn't even Force Keen to my situation  you didn't know my situation because you wouldn't let me talk .  Then he told me his story  Rihanna love it . 
 He was in the Air Force and he was going to be a chaplain so when he went to work and chaplain services he said that he was discriminated against him and he was creating a big tough going to their chain of command to get some court-martials he was successful he said he was under a lot of stress while he was doing this he was attacking the chaplains Clash of the Clans. Coincidentally while he was doing this he was going through a divorce and I'm guessing his wife knew exactly what he was doing and that he was lying about being discriminated against and she wanted no part of it that's what it looks like but I guess you have to ask her to know the truth. If she's threatened she won't tell the truth. While I was talking with Derwin he said white people at least 8 times not kidding making it very obvious he hates white people he is very hateful discriminative bigot man. I also heard the words yellow brown and red. Asians are yellow Latinos are brown American Indians are red. And of course white people are white and has no other word to describe them they're just White. Derwin got very aggressive and forceful with his statement I am not black I've never been black and I think it's wrong for people to use the word to describe us I am African-American. I'm like well that's nice and I'm trying to comply with your demanding request about words that we use here in America and when I call a Jamaican African-American they get offended they get angry and they have every right to get angry how dare I call them African when they're not they just happen to be black. So is everybody can plainly see Derwin enjoys using Color words to describe other nationalities but nobody's allowed to use a color word to describe him I got some other words to describe you. He claims that he's not black and he's never been black. Well I'm not white and I've never been white and I'm extremely offended by you saying white people this white people that white people always do that I'm always a victim of white people yes he really said all of that. I think you're a bigot your discriminatory and you're full of hate your hate mongrel. The truth of the matter is I don't care call me why call me Cracker I don't care this is petty and petty and trite.  but those foreign agents were walking around trying to create a race war that's exactly what they are but I didn't write. They walk around spewing their hate everywhere and it's contagious and that's a virus that we need to do something about the hate Mongols it's contagious is deadly it's disgusting they need therapy they need medication we need to stop the spread of it. This man is also a liar and he's deluded he's never been discriminated against who knows nothing of discrimination just ask his ex-wife. It's amazing how this man continuously quotes scripture and he's such a hypocrite it's okay for me to use color words to describe other people but nobody better use the word black to describe me your black man now what you going to do
 when I forced Derwin to listen to me I told him when I call a Jamaican American and African-American they get upset and offended his hand up to stop me from talking and said we'll talk about that later we're going to talk about that now it's disrespectful to them you have no respect for anybody but yourself. You're forcing us to call Jamaicans African that's highly disrespectful and it's going to stop now

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