It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, May 29, 2020

See the agents do nothing

I see these two agents that came all the way from the Hyatt Regency to witness the crimes of McManus . They walked around and witnessed McManus is calling in 7 or more police officers  to the Alamo to attack me .  They did not have a recording device they did not take pictures and at no time did they confront the police officers that were threatening me getting in my personal space . At no time did these agents make sure to  make the dirty police officers and dirty Chief McManus aware that they are here in this city investigating him  of course he's been told and he's too stupid to see what's in front of his face. These are the agents who are moving at a snail's pace because they're not suffering they've got the entire Hyatt Regency to theirselves Three Square meals a day  bed bathing and it clearly does not matter to them that my health and well-being is suffering it clearly does not matter to them that I don't have a commodations. They clearly are not very good at their job  because McManus is still in a position of power he still abusing his position he still sending people to stalk and harassment give me a hard time sending people in the middle of the night to kill me  and what are these agents doing well look they're having a vacation they're living it up see how they're dressed  and that your tax dollars at work .  These are the agents who are continuously bag to pull me to safety these are the agent that continuously bag to have my children pulled to safety so they no longer have to be beat on abused verbally emotionally and mentally physically  and these agents continue to do nothing  walk around the Streets of San Antonio having themselves a regular vacation these are the agents that I watch going into the bar and having a drink whenever they feel like it and I can't even have so much as water  my life is in danger out here on the street  and look at these agents living it up from their vacation .  These are the assholes that say that I'll never be pulled to safety that I'll never see my children again  as they claim to be doing an investigation there walking past these police officers while they are committing crimes the oath that they took  says that they cannot turn a blind eye to crime and if that's exactly what they were doing today that's exactly what they do every day  as I beg them to do their goddamn job . And now I'm on the streets with nowhere to go and it's storming out once again but they could care less  because they have all the accommodations they need  they have whatever they want to eat they have a gym to utilize a pool to utilize  and as I said they go to the bar whenever they want and get themselves hammered while I'm out on the street unable to find the money  unable to find food  with no accommodations and no Shelter From Any storm  and these assholes claim that  they need more evidence to conclude the investigation into pulled me to safety  this is where your tax dollars are going  the sociopath  you can't even pull three small children to safety  look at these disgusting assholes  that can't even do their job  they make about 75,000 a year of your tax money  and they're allowing these crimes to be committed as I'm begging for my life  begging for the torture to stop  and look at the assholes just leisurely walking around 

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