It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Minneapolis mayor

Before we talk to them about the foreign agent mayor of Minneapolis was talked about the fact that she's McManus used to be the chief of police here and he's the one that filled the police department with all these monsters do sociopaths they're all about the New World Order and creating a race war  and I look forward to him being held accountable .  Every crime no sociopaths that you put on the police force  you will be held accountable for .  Now let's talk about when I got put on the streets and chief McManus continuously made phone calls to his Pals and Minneapolis and had them coming here to San Antonio for a vacation which I'm going to go ahead and assume that the taxpayers were paying for that vacation why would they agree to do that  as just a favor to Chief wrinkles  and some of them were cooperating with an investigation because when they were in my taxi and I was listening to them  I found out pretty quickly  that when they were asked to come to San Antonio because he was attacking a mother fighting for her children they contacted the authorities . And when they did that they were asked to operate with the investigations to do as he asked so it could be held against him in a court of law  that's how not smart are chief of police has your calling up all these people and bringing them in here from Minnesota but what you don't understand is some of them actually have a moral compass  some of them actually don't like you they just want you to think that . 

In my situation where I'm standing I'm wondering if this guy is even dead and notice how the mare is getting on TV saying that it was race motivated know it was you motivated and your dirty cops motivated to create a race war let's tell the truth shall we. Let's also tell the people that you're going to prison for the rest of your life for crimes against humanity for treason Espionage well you're not really from this country curious I'm voting for capital punishment but I'm not sure how they deal with that I just look forward to your indictment that's all I got to say and your stupid little brace for that you're starting it's going to stop.
Of course they've been planning this for decades and I do mean decades let's look at all of our black Americans who walk around being victims and in order for me to go further on this we have to talk about the GI Forum for an agent New World Order creep. I think his name is

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