It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Keeping the hate and violence going

they just don't know when to quit they keep the anger going they keep the violence going  black lives matter is a new world order organization and it was created to start the race Wars .  It was created  to promote the violence  the anger .  Sapd kills is a very true statement and it's all over the place downtown it's nice that you people finally woke up I've been telling you for years that sapd kills . I've been pointing out all the people who have died that were targets  they were planned executions there's a whole list  that I've given you and nothing's been done  and it hasn't been stopped  and we just keep going with this crap .  Are you counting on the sociopaths that are at the Hyatt Regency to actually do something cuz you're going to be waiting a long time . Those agents are here on vacation  they're not actually doing investigation today I had to snarky ignorant Park police officers get in my face and those are the special friends of the Hyatt Regency agents all of Park police as a matter of fact they're told to commit these crimes and they are told  they won't suffer any consequences for the crimes that they're committing . So they continue to do it  the stalking the areof harrassingharassing The Killing 
They believe they'll get away with it and it's never going to be brought into a court of law they believe that they're being protected by those sociopathic agents that are staying at the Hyatt Regency those sociopathic agents are going down with you stupid . But you go ahead and keep getting in my face so I can record it you go ahead and keep breaking the law so I can record that to  so that we can show the entire world just how stupid you are . The concerning thing isn't that they are breaking the law  thinking that they're getting away with it the concerning thing is they want to break the law  they want to be nasty .  They won't stop until they're forced to stop breaking the law  until they are forced  stop getting in people's faces being snarky and full of themselves with their God complex . 

 These girls think they're making a difference they're deluded they're creating violence the creating anger. They're promoting the crimes that happened to all the broken windows and the spray paint all over businesses that have never discriminated against anybody they're destroying a city and then they're asking to be treated right you're not treating the city right you're not treating the small businesses right but you think this is how you get Justice? Calling me a bystander of all people that does not fit the description of me that's for certain

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