It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, May 29, 2020

My kids and the plan for rejection

 I was given the general location of my children and they're fat rapist father and I spent a lot of time trying to find them And now I'm kind of wondering what the plan was when I saw Anakin he made it very clear that he didn't even recognize me didn't know who I was he made it clear that he was afraid of me and didn't want anything to do with me so you want me to go find all three children so I can get the same exact response from all of them and you expect that to help me keep going you want my children to see me out here homeless broke starving nowhere to live nowhere to go I look like crap and you want me to go seek out my children so they can see this they don't understand what's going on you expect me to stand there and tell him their father did this to me I'm not going to do that that's your f****** job and you're not doing it. What am I supposed to tell my kids I'm sorry I didn't keep any of your prompt the promises I made you I'm sorry I allowed you to be beat on for 6 years neglected living in a s*** hole that he doesn't clean I allowed you to go to school wearing rags torn so that you can be ridiculed and bullied by your Peru because your father is too useless to put you in good clothing that's new from a store I'm sorry I allowed this to happen sorry isn't going to cut it after what my kids have been put through my body hurts so badly right now and I've got dirty stupid agents walking up to me telling me that I should work out because they know full well because of the poison I've given if I over exert myself my heart will stop and that's exactly what I'm going through today I can barely move because I'm in so much pain and you continuously allow it to happen.
 and I'm supposed to just keep going while he can meet the same crimes over and over again he sent people to kill me last night and you people are still letting him do this and he's not being brought to Justice and I've got people sending me over to the area where my children are so that I can get face-to-face with them and they can reject me telling me they don't love me they don't want nothing to do with me and they're afraid of me that's how f****** sick you are I mean all of you.
 not one single person is talk to my children I received a bunch of bulshit messages that somebody was playing an online video game with my children and they were acting like barbarians calling people out of their name and threatening them that's great news thanks.
 all of you investigators will be held responsible for the fact that my children can't stand their mother don't want anything to do with her they're afraid of her for no good reason they've been beat on emotionally mentally abused verbally and now there are completely dysfunctional
 oh I'm sure it was the Bob see twins in their team of demons the thought it would be a good idea for me to find the children so that I could be rejected.
 my body hurts I can't even move it's going to take a very long time to flush that poison out of my body.
 I just had a dirty FBI agent out here on the street pretending to do an investigation walk past me you people aren't doing anything a winner the going to be brought to Justice I got the stupid professor walking up and down the streets telling me that I'm never going to get out of this situation there's no way out and when does he go to prison where he belongs
 how many businesses and cities need to be destroyed completely before you people stuff up too late and stop the bullshyt look at Minnesota right now and you're letting it happen.  how many people are going to die before you step up in an ounce to the world with they're doing before you step in front of the media on a platform and announce that that black man is not dead.
 when are we going to announce that Prince was never Ted Elvis was never dead and that stupid pedophiles here in San Antonio never died how far are you going to let it go how many lives have to be destroyed
 the FBI Moves Like snails they are slug and every investigation they've ever done the people who became involved who were helping all say the same thing it could have been done faster you move it as snails paste not caring who you sacrifice

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