It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A mess created by dirty cops

Police officers were using rubber bullets they were using tear gas  and dirty police officers were trying to get me downtown during all of this commotion . Because they had my death planned  rubber bullets have been known to kill people . If you hit somebody just right with one of those rubber bullets  they're down gone .  So there were very few arrests made  they have videos of people looting a store on Houston Street and they were not arrested they were not even stopped . That's because the useless police officers of San Antonio planned this whole riot  and they allowed their criminal friends to get away with all of their crimes .  And the only reason they wanted me down there was so they could have at least one casualty . Mother Teresa said  I will not come to it anti  war rally  but if you want to have a peace rally  then invite me .  I agree with her  I'm not going to your stupid demonstrations of hate . it took all of the energy that I had just to get down there to get pictures this morning of people trying to clean up the mess . I want to be done and I'm sick of you allowing this to happen  the dirty City officials need to be stopped . The dirty Governor Abbott is calling in the National Guard and as I said before we have the NSA here we have an FBI headquarters here why aren't they doing their job why are they sitting on their damn asses  you got to call in the National Guard when we have FBI agents residing in San Antonio we have NSA agents residing in San Antonio and you have to call in the National Guard because NSA and FBI are so damn useless 

The dirty criminal Governor plans the riots pays for it and now he's going to activate the National Guard it was all planned. And when does he get brought to Justice when does he get removed from his position of power that he has been abusing when does he get put in prison with the rest of the criminals where he belongs? How many people have to die how many buildings have to be burnt down before we finally frog walk this man into prison

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