It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hyatt Regency twits

These self-absorbed narcissistic agent that your tax dollars are paying are so f****** full of themselves constantly walking past me not even offering me a dollar a bottle of water or any food for that matter they're going out getting drunk every night at the bars and your tax dollars are paying for it on Saturday they go to get a tattoo and your tax dollars pay for it apparently they need a break I don't get a break I don't even get food and these pieces of s*** laying in the lap of luxury not doing the investigation they were sent to do think it's alright to be going and eating at the most expensive restaurant in the city of San Antonio because they don't have to pay for it. These stupid pieces of s*** are going to argue that they deserve a break I want you to say that in front of the entire world a break from what laying around on your asses living it up having a vacation a break from what you are so pampered and you think you deserve it what when you go to prison maybe they'll think that you deserve a break too maybe they'll let you out so we can go to the bar and get drunk like you're doing right now. I want you to get in front of the entire world and tell them how you needed a break o and you needed food while you watched me starve to death. You watched as I was assaulted and you did nothing. You are required by law to do something. You don't have job anymore because you couldn't do your job properly.  let me remind everybody that all of the twits that are at the Hyatt Regency got in their vehicles and we're chasing me around the city of San Antonio as they were stalking and harassing me they were waving and smiling because they think they're funny I'll be laughing and smiling when you're going to prison actually I won't be around I will be dead. But I will die knowing your going to be brought to justice and get your prison sentence. Everybody watch as President Trump does nothing he too will go to prison because of the crimes committed by the Hyatt Regency Twits and he is sitting on his ass doing nothing about it.

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