It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, May 22, 2020

The announcer

 The announcer came in from Colorado she appears to be a citizen based agent. She has a lot of knowledge about what is being done here of course she's being given direction as what kind of announcements she has to make to me. She's a pretty smart lady very intuitive. For the most part she was helping me which made it pretty clear that Colorado demon team FBI NSA are opposing those demon teams that are here in San Antonio. For example I had many minions coming at me criminals who were literally attacking me both verbally and assaulting me physically. At one point the announcer was on a bench on losoya Street one evening she was trying to get my attention to make an announcement she was throwing litter in the street and I got upset and confronted her. That's when she started announcing dirty cops dirty cops the dirty cops were the ones sending those criminals at me to attack me verbally and physically she knew exactly how to get my attention that was the tactic being used. I had been poisoned when I purchased instant coffee from HEB they knew exactly what brand I always purchased they took two of these coffee containers opened up the seal and added poison to it they were on the front of the shop they knew that I would grab either one of them for purchase. That particular day I almost died that's how intense the poison was I almost had a cardiac arrest and if reminded me of the poison that my ex-husband was giving me it was the same thing. I think I was blaming the dirty politicians. Do you know who sought me out and told me how she had purchased something from HEB and it just wasn't good there was something wrong with it. She was going back to the store to return it it was a message it was the H-E-B employees that added the poison to the coffee that I purchased. So the HEB foreign agent demons and the dirty cop demons are two separate teams opposing parties. And because the announcer was working with the Colorado dirty FBI and dirty and SA that was yet another opposing demon team. But she was helping me out making sure that I was calling out the correct people are the attacks on me. I became confusing that the dirty FBI from Colorado were having no intention of protecting the dirty police officers or the demon HEB team. There were and still are several hundred of people here in San Antonio from Colorado and they have a lot of citizen based agents. At one point I was having a conversation with the announcer at Starbucks she was telling me about the proper shoes that I should get considering how much I walk. I don't have the luxury of buying shoes I don't have any money. The announcer shared with me that she was waiting for her check. In other words her payment as a citizen based agent for being out in the streets. Shortly after that the announcer disappeared when the announcer reappeared on the streets you could see a devastating change in her physical appearance. She had been in an accident she was probably hit by an automobile it look like she had been in the hospital for a very long time. She lost a devastating amount of weight. She was a non-smoker didn't drink and do drugs now I'm watching her smoke cigarettes. She went through hell and survived. And that's what the demons from Colorado do the foreign agents dirty FBI and the dirty in a set they bringing these citizen based agents who are actually registered have them out here pretending to be homeless interacting with me watching the crimes of cops watching the crimes of the HEB demons in the Chick-fil-A demons collecting data collecting pictures being Witnesses. When the Colorado demons get everything they need out of the system based agent they try to eliminate them getting rid of the witness. The citizen based agents are expendable and they have every intention of getting rid of every single one of them and when they do this they frame members of the other demon teams. When the announcer first got back on the streets, she blamed me for what she has been through. It's likely that she also was talked to by the investigation team and told that she would come back out here and continue to cooperate with this investigation she was brought here to attack me and she was going to continue to do the job.

  you can see her here at Starbucks in one picture and then you can see her at the San Antonio library as she was stalking and harassing me keeping close to me now as I said before she helped me out a lot with information but her the underlying agenda was not for me to survive this. I was being used as a tool and she was too she just didn't understand. She was spending time with one of the men that had tried to kill me Brian the Christmas Eve killer. when these people first arrived on the scene apparently they didn't know how I did things and what I do I was taking pictures of all the citizen base to agents and their actual agents announcing what these people were doing and putting it out there I got yelled at people were screaming she's ruining us yes that's exactly what I'm going to do is ruin you.
 so after I got yelled at I laid back a little bit and I started protecting their identity careful not to take their picture and I knew exactly who each one was to let it play out and to learn what their underlying agenda was. as I watched the announcer interacting with Brian I thought maybe she was going to work him and go to confessional out of him. That's not what she was doing they were helping him helping him to get up off the streets and to get out of the way so he would get away with his friend. That's what I saw happening. She was helping him with Assistance programs and grants that he could collect. this is not them investigating and bringing these people to Justice at all.  so in that moment I found someone that the Colorado demons were actually protecting and there would be more to. They were attacking the police officers and several other demon teams. Gavin the minister at Travis church is the one that sent that killer at me and several others. There were many Colorado demon agents who were actually staying at Travis Church spending a lot of time there. they had been outed the Methodist community they were no longer allowed to call themselves Methodist. I was trying to be positive and thought maybe the Methodist community disowns them because of the crimes they committed against me the crimes that they committed against our country and Humanity. That wasn't the case and so when I announced it as such they played on it. when I was at Camp Ministries they had brought in more Colorado demons they brought him people from New Mexico Florida Illinois this was all a part of the Colorado demon team.  the man working at Cub church named Mike he's a part of the Colorado demon team.  the fools laughed when I said that the Methodist Church would no longer allowed Travis Church be called Methodist because of the crimes they committed and they laughed that's when I knew it wasn't true. They let the cat out of the bag because they're foolish because of their giant egos. So I went over to the Travis church and I was going to talk to someone in administration or any old employee asking why they were no longer allowed to call themselves Methodist. A couple of Agents from Colorado answered the door I asked them the question. And they said oh I don't really know but I think it's for political reasons in other words they were playing into the LIE.  I expected agents and spies to be smarter. expectations always lead to disappointment these people aren't smart they're idiots your ego gets in the way of their job.
During the elections the mayor's elections Rockhouse and nirenberg were up against each other the announcer was on the street and she was announcing and acting crazy like she was instructed to do. I was walking down the street with Christian the active duty US Army medic who is a puppet head of the NSA and the dirty CIA. Officer d e c h had the announcer in handcuffs and he was writing a ticket.  Christian stop to announce to officer DECH that I had a huge crush on him. They were playing the game Christopher said oh yeah we know all about her and act like I was crazy it's through me for a loop I wasn't real sure what we were doing. He had a tough job he was playing both of them the announcers saw the look of shock on my face and snap me out of it she was announcing that Christian was a liar he could not be trusted he was a drug addict. She did it in a brilliant manner.  she would talk about herself in the third person when she was making reference to drugs. She would be announcing I don't do drugs people say I do drugs and I don't do drugs. She was repeating his words. she was announcing that I wasn't safe with him she was announcing that none of the words out of his mouth can be trusted. Christian had given me a lot of good information to because he was working for one Damon team that was attacking another. he wanted me to announce Greg brockhouse should be elected and he wanted me to go to bat for Greg brockhouse because we don't want Nirenberg in there anymore.  now Christian was a part of the team that lived at the Wyndham Gardens these are dirty CIA and dirty NSA I'm sure there's quite a mix.  and the other thing that I know about the Wyndham Gardens demons is there are a couple of Supervisors of Park police that hang out with them that go over there every morning and go for runs with these agents and spies.  so suddenly I'm learning that many members of Park police don't like Nirenberg and they want him out of the way. Now another thing worth mentioning is brockhouse was the choice of the fire department.

 Christopher Steele I believe his name is who I think it's the union director of the fire department. I was at his office a couple of times giving him my story it was different than the letter I hand out now there was a lot more information there I think.  because once I learned that Christopher Steele and Ron Nuremberg were mortal enemies well of course any enemy of my enemy is a friend indeed.  I expected Christopher Steele to use this information to his benefit to help BrockHouse and his campaign I don't know if that's what happened but that's what I was shooting for.
 you can bet there was all kinds of City officials and dirty politicians telling him that I was crazy and my story wasn't true it would behooved the man to look closer at it and use my story and situation against Nirenberg. It wasn't announced to the city and I was not pulled to safety. I am sure he had his reasons, those reasons were probably due to his involvement in my case.
 members of the fire department have pulled in their own minions like Angel.
 a man who was instructed to attack me. Her more than a year when I interacted with Angel he was a perfect gentleman and he was very nice and respectful all of a sudden he turned and then he was dumb enough to do drugs in front of me and then tell me boldly about his connection to the fire department.
 Angel became very close friends with Muhammad. a foreign agent spy who has been chasing me around the city since the moment I got out here playing mind games with me and he acts like a child he has the mentality level of a child is very sad has a child of his own and he's not going to be a very good father considering that he has the mentality to level of a child.  Muhammad was driving around a black pickup truck that did not belong to him in fact it looked exactly like the pickup truck of detective Maldonado now although it look like his pickup truck I don't have those plates memorized and I don't know if it was the detectives pickup truck. One morning when Muhammad was at the Myrtle Church getting food I could see that the gas cap was open and it's one of those locking gas covers get to push a button on the inside of the truck to open it there are so many people out here that know what he is and some of these red-blooded Americans just might put sugar in that tank because of who he is and then I posted it on my blog.  moments after I posted on the blog I watched Muhammad get a phone call. He got out of the truck and went and looked at the gas cover and he said on the phone no no I did that. so that makes it pretty obvious.  I was sitting in Eddie's truck talking to Eddie he's a minion who drives a beat-up pickup truck he said he's retired and has $150,000 home. Eddie's a black man he entered the scene Lakes the scene of all these minions and he was always watching Muhammad very closely and although in his instructions were to interact with me. Everytime Eddie saw him he kept asking Muhammad about the price of the truck how much she pays monthly how much is your insurance how did you buy it did you pay cash for this truck do you make payments what do you do for a living Muhammad. Eddie kept asking him this over and over again and Muhammad didn't have the answers because it wasn't Muhammad's truck and Eddie knew it. Muhammad has a prominent family and a sponsor doesn't really do much for a living at all but he still has that money coming in. I saw him working with a landscaping company doing odd jobs has what it looks like he's doing not much of an income at all not for a $46,000 truck.
 one particular day Eddie made a giant mistake he's having a conversation with me in front of my phone. He was telling me how the woman that he is dating he plans on breaking up with her. He told me that she wasn't that good in bed that she wanted to have sex all the time but he was the one doing all the work. He complained a lot about this. All of a sudden I saw a storm happening in my phone that person he was dating was listening that person that he's dating is the one that pulled him into this mess. Send Eddie said all that crap in front of my phone I haven't seen him since he's gone

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