It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Red the drug dealer

Read the drug dealer has made at least four attempts on my life. The first time I met him he offered me a motel room just to take a shower and I was going to take a shower and leave. But he's a scary man and he kept showing me the gun that he was going to use to kill me. He kept trying to get pictures of me when I was dressing after a shower and like all other minions he was trying to be intimate and get lucky. I was stepping outside to take pictures of airplanes and he was throwing a fit. After getting to know judge red he started to share with me how many kills he had under his belt as he called it. He drugged my drink I blacked out for a few hours and then when I finally demanded to get out of there and go back where he found me he dropped me off at the 7-Eleven downtown I can barely walk I don't know what kind of drugs he used barely see straight. I tried to take a picture of his license plate and he pulled the gun out on me put it in my face. I got away from them that day a few months later I was watching on Broadway Street taking pictures and telling stories they sent red to do a drive-by shooting the Alamo Police Department pulled him over but then they let him go. That was very upsetting the man has a stolen weapon and he is a known drug dealer he keeps the drugs in his headliner. Red was then chasing me all over the city everywhere I went I could see him driving by looking for the opportunity to shoot me. One particular evening I got away from Red I think it's when he dropped me off at the 7-Eleven and as I was stumbling and trying to get back to the place where I sleep at night a woman pulled up her name was Maxine she claimed to be an Uber driver and a pastor or Minister whatever. She offered me a ride. My phone started go crazy I knew what was happening. Before she got me to my destination she got a call for a uber job so she dropped me off before I got to Catholic Charities. If she had gotten me all the way to Catholic Charities she would have contacted red and told him where I was so that you could come and kill me that was the plan that's how she was helping him.
Later I was walking past the gay clubs are on Main Street and red like to hang out with her he came running out and chasing me down the street he was swearing and yelling at me and I have no idea why well other than the fact that I'm his Target and he's trying to kill me. I was able to get away from him that evening somebody distracted him.
In July of 2019 red was sent at me again he told me that he was going to give me a ride to cam Ministries when he got me in the vehicle he didn't go anywhere near Kam he took me to his girlfriend's apartment on the corner of Hackberry and Nolan. He lied to me and said that he was living with his brother there the security officer let him in the building he didn't have a key to the apartment he didn't know the code to get in and the security officer let him in. He told me that he was going to pay me to clean the apartment. That's not what was happening at all he was going to kill me in that apartment dismembered me and I got a feeling he's done it before. Thank goodness he was high on drugs otherwise I don't know what would have happened. He allowed me to use the computer I signed into all my accounts I got on my blog and was begging for help telling everybody about my situation and the fact that I was about to die if I didn't get out of there of course I didn't get any help because it was a dirty police officers that sent this criminal at me. They are well aware that he's a drug dealer and they leave him on the streets because he is a tool he never gets it in any trouble never suffers any consequences for his crimes. He took me to the bathroom and told me that I was going to start cleaning their he said he had to go get water for cleaning he was going to get his gun. Standing in a bathroom telling people that you're going to get water. He's not very bright. I had to do some pretty fast talking to get out of there because every time I try to make my way to the door he would hold me back blocking me and keeping me there. But I finally got out alive.
I can't remember Reds real name even though he gave it to me another thing that's not very smart. He was married to a nurse for 8 years the marriage was destroyed by his drug addiction his woman beating ways and his bisexuality she got that Mercedes the black Mercedes out of the divorce. Most days he is homeless but right now he's staying at that dive on Broadway Street. I guess he's not a very successful drug dealer. You can imagine how upsetting it is for me that these killers who have come to come so close to actually taking my life are still on the streets nobody's been brought to Justice

The drug dealer and his friends are awake doing drugs drinking you can bet he was told where I am. I am not leaving right now but need to go soon. 
I thought Oscar to be an FBI informant. If I am correst those dirty cops are very screwed. With the way they threatened him about whether or not he witnessed the murder they planned. That man that was killed was put on the streets on purpose. He still had his new pick up and an income. His son was on the streets too parked next to him when he was shot. The son was too scard to get out of the auto to chase the killers eddie went running right away. The dirty cops put oscar in the police cruiser they were acting like they wanted a witness statement but what they were really doing was trying to scare all the witnesses into a state of submission. They used scare tactics to get oscar to bring me here. I don't trust him. If he is an informant it is not for the god team. The dirty cops had his wallet stolen just like they had all my phones stolen to get rid of the evidence. Of course they were played on that deal and the phones ended up in the hands of the God team. Oopps was that a secret?  

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