It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, May 25, 2020


 divorce and Greg divorcing Greg camcorder it's in my parents attic and all of the tapes are in my parents attic everything is there.
 I bought a camcorder secretly so he wouldn't know about it then I sat in the parking lot of his work and I washed him and Lisa leave and I recorded it made many videos so I was at the point in time where I could prove it in a court of law ready for my divorce ready to prove the infidelity all of those recordings of him and his for an agent Pals and his mistress Lisa van Akron they're out there
 many of the SD cards that can change the recordings of Greg were in the storage unit and many of those recordings were downloaded on the computer the home PC that's at my parents house the laptop that was in the storage unit it's all there.
I'm sure all of those pictures will be useful to we were surrounded by Foreign agents there's plenty of pictures a timeline can be created with those pictures those recordings on the videos the computer has four important things like phone records emails text messages that were downloaded using SD cards.

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