It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Killary blames Putin

I'm not the only one that's being gaslighted in this situation and I'm happy to see the other people are so easily fooled because for a while there I was question my ability to reason through this. But to watch Hillary the stupidest things that she does and says how easily it is for them to Gaslight her. She's making me feel like I'm a genius

It wasn't wasn't Nancy that was telling me she was controling christopher wray and getting nasty about sugar packets. As i said in that post i had been talking to and dealing with killary for months. I talked to her everyday for a week when i had that conversation. There is no way those two women talk so much alike and are equal in their evil. They told me it was Nancy they were throwing her under the bus. I am not saying Nancy didn't do anything I am saying she didn't do that particular thing. 
Remember those very special youtube videos about the bus full of members of congress circling the white house and was after he ended her trip out of the country to visit the troops? I believe she really did that. How amazing there was zero media coverage. 
I was given other videos about the details that were being done behind the doors of our government and it was made with automated voice computer voice anyway these were completely different that the phoney videos made by dirty cia like the ones about Hillary raping teenagers and I believe she has done that too.
These videos I was given a year amd half ago were explaining the mind games being played with the Trump administration and although the attack was him they were playing head games with all those closest to him. 
They were repeating all the same thing things that happened in washington that happened in our history during assassination attempts on other presidents. Mind games. They wanted him and his adminstration to believe an assimilation was being planned on Trump. I don't know if these games were successful my method of message delivery was cut off and I do not even get regular updates that the rest of nation gets. 
I sit around assuming that they are smart to know they to stop these games now that investigators all over the nation and many other nations are watching them. I assume they have enough sense to stop then I watch Wray and Killary throw the Castro brothers under the bus sending killers to take me out that are connected to Castro Brothers. Killers that were pulled in this game by the Castro Brothers. Sure for those with limited information surrounding this conspiracy will see Castro Brothers playing their same game. But those of us standing in middle are aware the idiot brothers stepped out a long time hoping if it all stopped they might get away with it. They went to great lengths to make it stop two years ago. They failed to stop it because they don't control dirty cops. I told Wray he has to make sacrafices and you can bet he already started the process but Joaquin and Julian didn't like me saying it out right. That was fun. Wray is a lot smarter than the dwarfs and maybe they know that. Killary is loyal to no one the Castro idiots are already done because she is not loyal to anyone. They were screwed from the word go. She didn't consider all the proof of collusion. Even if she was going to frame every crime on them and be successful there is still the collusion can not cover up and make disappear. God Hillary your not smart at all. Your campaign was destroyed and it was not Putin that did that. You keeping blaming Putin in the public eye looking like a fool. It was China dumb ass. 

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