It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, May 25, 2020


So I visited Taco Cabana this morning I got a coffee. Yesterday it wasn't poison but today it is that means somebody made a phone call to Taco Cabana and they would have had to do more than just make a phone call they would have had to deliver the poison. I'm assuming that it's Gavin Travis church that is doing this. He's not smart enough to stop yesterday I announce all the state troopers are conducting their own investigation watching him and his foolish crimes that he thinks he's going to get away with and his best course of action was to continue the attack making sure that I'm poisoned as they watch and many other investigation teams watch he's not a very smart little boy.
 and if that isn't bad enough Gavin is in my phone freezing it up into his demon Powell I can't post anything.
It could be Pastor Gavin it could be Pastor Jackson. I believe it's Gavin.
Gavin went to Mexico to make friends and collude with Mexican Mafia and cartel. He is a part of the Colorado team in the Colorado team opposes the dirty police officers. it seems to me going to Mexico is quite a conflict of interest however I'm sure there's more there than I don't see.
 in 2018 several angry outbursts to Curtis Travis Church police officers had to be calls it look like an attack on Travis church but while they were attacking the church they were trying to frame me for the incidences that were taking place I left the church the moment Civil started screaming remember Civil is the Spy that's on the streets pretending to be homeless the one that was on the streets while she was pregnant. After she created this huge outburst and a huge scene Park police were called to the church she walked to the other side of the Jefferson building sat down and waited for police to leave. As I stood watching taking pictures and notating what was happening I assumed they were doing this to frame me for what she was doing one of the reasons that I made this assumption is because I was told to leave immediately. Based on everything that took place it looks like they were attacking Travis Church and framing me for something I didn't do all at the same time this was at the same time Hillary Clinton collected inmates at the Bexar County Jail who were willing to take my life and they were going to Great Lengths to get me into that jail. You never see Sybil going anywhere near that church anymore she's not allowed there. Sybil is a part of the Cub Church demon team she works directly with them. I saw her answering to an agent spy. That Asian spy was treated like she was some sort of celebrity some sort of deity the moment she showed up everybody was in a store and they were bowing to her. There was a undercover agent that was on the street pretending to be homeless and He was discussing with her the fact that his 17 year old daughter was in danger and he wanted her help. He wanted more than just prayer Sybil is a part of the Cub Church demon team she works directly with some. I saw her answering to an Asian spy. that Asian spy was treated like she was some sort of celebrities some sort of deity the moment she showed up everybody was in a stir and they were buying to her. There was a undercover agent that was on the street pretending to be homeless and he was discussing with her the fact that his 17 year old daughter was in danger and

Earlier this year in 2020 there was a minion put on the street he was a veteran he purposely struck up a conversation with me he seemed pretty harmless one particular day we were both at Travis church it was before the coronavirus lockdown and we were in the basement having a meal wall Gavin was giving his sermon this man commented I was allowed to talk and he had a long conversation about remember the good old days when Russia was just the enemy and all we had to worry about was Russia.  so he was instructed to do this it created a huge upset with Gavin and Gavin was looking directly at me as if I had something to do with it and here's where we're going to point out how simple the mind of Gavin is I change my letter long before this Russia was never my enemy I was just playing with Hillary Clinton and doing a good job at it apparently because Gavin didn't understand the convoluted game that I was involved in he didn't understand that Russia was not my enemy and they never were my anime.  I had changed my letter of long before this incident took place it was a lovely illustration of Gavin being simple.
 I firmly believe that Gavin is not actually involved with Russia he's trying to earn their respect that's what it looks like
Of course you can't hold Gavin accountable for not understanding what was happening there's a lot of layers here is pretty convoluted and I wasn't about to walk around telling people what was actually happening. I needed it to play out and I needed everybody to believe. I most especially needed Hillary to believe, that's my enemy. Time for Killary to go down. Who is it that caused Travis Church to no longer be called Methodist? Who caused them to be rejected. You know they opposed the President they were bringing foreign agents in across the boarder who were lying about being refugees. That was the opisite of what the President was trying to achieve. Now we have thousands of spies here attacking our democracy and bringing serious crimes to our countries hundreds will be killed in violent crimes. ICE will be over whelmed and it will be almost impossible to regain control of illegal immigrants. All this is an attack on the Trump administration. When the truth is told the people will loose confidence in the Trump administration public approval gone. Gavin is a monster who risks the safety of all americans to attack Trump. Do you see something other than this? 
Trump derangment syndrome any medication we can give Gavin to help him with affliction. ????

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