It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sick minion trolling my account

You see here the displays of sociopath obviously after I explained to her everything that I have been through and my suffrage  assaults poisoning starvation notice how she focuses only on herself and announcing who she wants people to think she is . People who are actually kind and would never actually hurt someone purposely  don't have to announce it . Those Psychopaths  I have every intention of hurting people they want people to believe  that it is accidental. She is too stupid to realize all of the communications between her and the foreign agents and Gregory Marshall instructing her to do this  are being watched recorded and documented  I took just a little more  interaction with her to realize that she is very sick ,  to attack people and be a bully. That's exactly what she's become she's also a traitor to our nation and she's pretty loyal to being treated for a nation when she started that job she still has requested what kind of an individual attacks their an innocent person in this manner. Look at her stupid statements. Persevere narcissistic personality disorder is displayed here no matter what an individual says about their own personal situation she continues to be focused on her. Unable to see anybody else's situation unable to have any empathy for the pain and devastation is experiencing

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ken Paxton

what happens to his career when he does nothing to help me and I die from exposure, poisoning, and criminals sent to attack me?

helicopters all night long

these will not keep me from freezing to death this evening

Freezing cold with nothing but the clothes on my back

I am left out in the freezing cold I have nowhere to go I did this last winter for this investigation as well but apparently that's no no for James Comey and Robert Mueller I'll be left out in the freezing cold once again with nothing but the clothes on my back. Last winner the 21-year old twit that works for sapd and my ex-husband paid criminals to steal my blankets the only thing that helped me to survive in the freezing cold to survive exposure. And now I'm doing it again because James Comey and Robert Mueller feel the need to drag out my torture to get me as close to death as I possibly can not that it's necessary to continue to torture me. Apparently they're just dragging their feet. They enjoyed complaining about the CIA and the 43 x waterboarding one person and they don't even consider the fact that they will be judged for torturing an innocent Mother fighting for her children. Sleeping on a slab of cement being exposed to the weather and exposed to the criminals sent to sexually assault me several of them sent to take my life. Poisoning day in and day out. As I beg for my life and beg to be done with this investigation the long-term side effects may never subside. I may never be healthy again. I beg James Comey and Robert Mueller to pull me out had to end my torture and they leave me in the freezing cold with nothing more than the clothes on my back. Are these America's Heroes who save our democracy by torturing a mother fighting for her children by leaving three small children and abuse for 6 years without their mother I find that hard to believe

black helicopters

Ted Cruz better start focusing on San Antonio

Continuously a Non-Stop I have been contacting all of the offices of Ted Cruz for 4 years. Continuously a Non-Stop I have been begging this man to do his job I have been begging him for his help informing him that my life is in danger. Continuously he has been focusing on ignoring my situation as he collude with foreign agents and the Castro Brothers to avoid my situation of the crimes that have been committed against me and the city of San Antonio. I have news for you you do not have plausible deniability because the Mueller probe investigators made sure they watched as you looked at my story and then turned a blind eye which is exactly the opposite of what your job requires you to do. You will not have plausible deniability that is gone and it's been gone for a long time honey. You will be held accountable for treason you will be held accountable for official oppression you will be held accountable for collusion and obstruction of justice. There is an entire list of crimes you will be held accountable for that you will be prosecuted for your career is over but you go right ahead and you sit there ignoring my situation as I send you email after email and as the investigators bring into a court of law the hundred recording they have of me calling every one of your offices beckon for your help begging from my life which is still in danger and you sit on your ass and continue to ignore me as I beg for you to do your job. You expect those families to believe you the criminal. Excuse me what were you doing on 9/11?

Texas Attorney General and Texas governor

The Texas Attorney General and the Texas governor have every right to step in and pulled me to safety sorting the efforts of dirty City officials, dirty police officers, dirty CIA, dirty NSA, and the hundreds of foreign agents that are in the city of San Antonio committing espionage. If they chose to step in and pulled me to safety to prevent my death they have every right to do so and none of these dirty officials can do anything to stop them. If they choose not to do so well I guess it won't look good for them when I'm dead now that they are informed and they no longer have plausible deniability doing nothing opposed to doing something well that's not a good thing for them to choose

both Joaquin Castro and Shirley Gonzalez drive a similar vehicle

i dont feel well enough to get close. I feel like i won't make it through the night again. Not only is it freezing but my efforts to avoid poison failed.

planes and helicopters all day

all day long planes and helicopters. bobbsey twins framing the mayor, city council, and dirty cops. All these city officials too dumb to see they are doubles however they are not triples like the comey investigators.

October 30th freezing cold out just like last October

It's freezing cold outside and I did not have the proper equipment to keep myself safe from freezing to death it'll be uncomfortable to say the least and I did this last year so that we can pull out the foreign agent and the dirty intelligence agencies here in our own country. I successfully pulled them out and my reward is to freeze to death again. My reward is to watch The Bobbsey Twins hire a hitman because they're not skilled enough to do it themselves. And because they rely on poison where I come from that's called a pansy ass

Methodist Church Laurel Heights

When I went to the church that is headed by a foreign agent for dinner I decided it was best that I make a fresh pot of coffee so that I didn't have to be poisoned once again. Unfortunately somebody got to that but pot of coffee and added the necessary poison you make me very ill and stop my heart. Last week they poisoned my plate of food the kitchen staff was very specific about which plate I needed to take. I told everyone that I would simply trade for clay or somebody else's another member of the homeless community and I was told that wouldn't do any good because they would poisoning more breaks than just mine so I did not take any food at all and left the church. When I left the church there was a sapd officer waiting stalking and harassing. When I get close to the college there was a San Antonio College police officer Sitting Waiting stalking and harassing their know what it is about two twins think they're getting away with and they are that arrogant to think that they're going to continue to commit serious crimes and nobody's watching them they are just as dumb as Moscow Heather and CIA Brad. Comey is watching and your not getting away with anything