It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, May 24, 2020

State trooper with State Keepers on each arm

In 2018 there was a State Trooper who decided to join in on the fun. This man was chasing me all over the street of San Antonio of course he was proud of himself and his ego is inflated because he can go anywhere in the city go anywhere in the state pretty sure cuz that's exactly what he did. He has tattoos on each arm that say State keepers. On his right hand he has Matthew 8:25 tattooed I believe that the corrupt scripture that tattooed there.
I was losing control of my phone because of all the demons that I had in it we shut down my phone for about 10 days and claimed that it was tried basically it was sort of. When I was sitting at the Starbucks on Broadway Street late at night this state trooper came in and sat next to me I was forewarned and received a message turn on the phone. There was two possibly three State Troopers that were in that Starbucks before he arrived and suddenly they packed up all of their things and left I didn't understand what was happening. Until the moment the state keeper tattooed Trooper came in and sat down right next to me then I knew why all of those other troopers were investigating their own left they were notified that he was coming and he would have recognized them they had to get out of there. I opened up my phone and started talking and telling stories and the state trooper look like he was having a stroke to learn my real story to learn that I'm not alone like everybody thinks I am to learn that his life as he knows it is over and he will never work in law enforcement again. I took a lot of pride in his job all those tattoos indicated The Pride that he had his job too bad he couldn't be true to the oath that you took when you started working in law enforcement too bad he doesn't know the difference between a lawful and unlawful order too bad he has no integrity too bad a true Christian walks within the word of the Lord and although your tattooing the word of the Lord on your body you know nothing about walking within the word of the Lord you have absolutely no Integrity no Scruples and no moral compass you're a piece of s*** and I'm glad to see you go

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