It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, May 2, 2020

No Good Agents

Yesterday I got so sick I couldn't speak and I couldn't move. I laid there all night and I planned on laying there all day 2 that's how sick I was. This morning bright and early Centro employees showed up a dozen of them. Walking pass me over and over again acting like they were sweeping up trash. What they were doing was stalking and harassing. These are supposed to be undercover agent they're supposed to be the good guys they could care less about my well-being they care less about helping me to stay alive. They were there to see if there was a dead body which they were hoping for they were there to see if they had to call the coroner which they were hoping for. It's funny how they think they're going to keep their jobs when this is all done I don't think so.
Now all of you people that are out of work because of the Coronavirus I want you to stop and think about these agents that are not good people that are trying to destroy our constitution they get paid by the US government 75,000 a year then when they're working undercover jobs in the city they get that paycheck too. Then they get the stimulus check as well. And out as all of you are being evicted from your apartment and you're out of work because restaurants are closed bars are closed many other things are closed and you're out of work and you can't pay your rent I want you to think about the dirty criminal agents for collecting many check and they are being paid to break the law to be sociopathic killers they get a large sum of money and it's your tax dollars.
I got sick because I was eating food bank food which is poison but a month ago I ate a bag of chocolate chips from the food bank and I got extremely sick. They're not only putting the coronavirus in the food they're putting medications and toxins and literal poison. My children are eating food bank food and many of your children are to. The difference between your children eating food bank food and my children eating food bank food their father who's feeding it to them knows exactly what's happening and he knew it was going to be happening long before it happened he is knowingly feeding our children poison because he is a six sociopath and I want him charged with those crimes attempted murder and danger meant abuse of every kind and I mean every kind and when he goes to prison I want him to be treated the way he deserve to be treated the way I've seen pedophiles treated in prison. I want everybody in prison to know that he was poisoning children and trying to starve to death his wife that he was sending many rapists at his ex-wife and telling his children that their mother doesn't love them. I will get what I want every thing that you delivered upon me you will suffer you and your best pal Joaquin Castro.
Joaquin Castro has been sending me messages all night telling me how my heart is failing telling me that I have neuropathy because my feet hurt I have neuropathy because I have to wear shoes I've ever worn in my life. Joaquin Castro thinks he's funny and smart and clever he seems to think that he can brainwash people into becoming a hypochondriac because that's what he is. My heart is failing I spent 10 years in a marriage where I was being poisoned I've had heart attacks and I'm sure there's scar tissue. After I got out of the marriage he sent criminals to continue to poison me and yeah it affected my heart I Joaquin Castro is one of them that was collecting up criminals and delivering poison. Joaquin Castro things to you going to get away with all of his crimes that's how sick he is that's how stupid he is. When Rachel Maddox was telling the nation what a moron Joaquin Castro is you should have listened to her cuz that's exactly what he is a sick Pig moron
The media is full of information about new signs and symptoms of the coronavirus this new sign and symptom just showed up why would one virus all of a sudden produce new signs and symptoms does that make any sense to anybody? That's not what's happening they're tweaking it in a lab there morphing it there's new signs and symptoms because they are enhancing the virus and keeping it going wake up people. I keep hearing all of you people say will the doctor said so or you talking about the doctors that are sociopathic Killers over the decades several of them go to prison because they were killing people purposely there's a nurse sitting in the Bexar County jail right now who's called the baby killer she was killing newborn babies in the Methodist Children's Hospital and you people still keep listening to doctors as if there's some sort of authority as if they're sane? You people need to wake up and stop listening to everything you hear yeah there's new signs and symptoms because there is new coronavirus has there's probably six different strains at this point and they're going to keep going with it too. I'm at the coronavirus for five times now and each time I get it the length of time that I'm sick is less but there's new signs and symptoms so in other words if it was the same strain I probably wouldn't get sick at all because I have the antibody and by now I have the antibodies for 6 different strains. None of those people that are supposed to be working with me gave a crap that I was laying around sick and I don't give a crap about pictures and stories if you people can't find a way to give me money and keep me going to allow me to bathe to pull me to safety. As the day wanes on maybe I'll change my mind but as of right now why would I keep taking pictures and telling stories there's no reward for me my children are still in danger and they're being poisoned I don't know where they are.
And this is a message to you Dallas police officers that are using my information and my pictures to find your Mexican Mafia spies that are coming in here from California there will be no more if you can't figure out a reward system. I'll have you know that these California kids have been here since 2017 that's a long time and that's a whole lot of these California assholes and you're not really taking care of the problem either you're just sending them back home and when they go back home they're going home with a lot of information it doesn't look like you're going to win this Turf War not at the rate that you're going you're going to try to kill me no more pictures no more story you're going to allow me to be poisoned beaten raped no more pictures no more story

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