It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, May 25, 2020

Jack Buck

Someone keeps talking about Jack and ask him where Jack is you must be talking about Jack Buck the annoying physicist who you tried to take out and once again you failed he lives through a dumb asses where is he? Jackbox says that he is a close personal friend of Judge Wolfe. Well that makes sense with all the collusion and obstruction of justice the euthanasia of the homeless and the lower working class that Judge Wolf is enthralled in of course he would need a physicist to create the coronavirus and other biological warfare to eliminate his target audience.
Jack is a know it all that thinks he is in loop about the New World Order. He was walked out of a laboratory and I'm assuming that it was because he didn't agree with using all of their experiments in the lab on the homeless here in San Antonio Texas. Shortly after that he was in a car accident and he was seriously injured but he didn't die. His Jesse's what they were hoping for of course and once again they failed. Jack seems to think that he knows exactly what's happening but he can't even figure out the simplest of things his accident was a plan a plan to get rid of him. Right now he is attempting to sue. As you can well imagine the person that hit him didn't even so much as get a ticket and they were in the wrong obviously. The university health systems lost all of his records there was no record of him being there. He had to go to the ER which has a different computer system and when he was at the ER there was at finally record found of him being at the hospital. He has a lot of different lawsuits that he could pursue. Right now he's homeless and an alcoholic.
Jack claims to be counseling people who are hooked on drugs people who are depressed and who have hit rock bottom. Counseling isn't what I would call what he's doing. He doesn't allow people to feel their emotions or Express their emotions. He becomes Gruff rude and ignorant when people try to express their feelings to tell their stories he doesn't let people talk he interrupts them while they're answering a question

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