It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

H-E-B Oak Park

This particular HEB has the most pretentious employees that you ever want to meet in your life every time I step foot in this HEB they were all over me most of them were trying to accuse me of shoplifting following me around the store as if I had taken something oh I think one time I had clove oil in my hand and had every intention of purchasing it but an employee took it out of my hand and I couldn't purchase it yes these are idiots what to put it mildly in because of a lack of better words demons. And I hope I don't have to remind everybody that the HEB New World Order demons are the ones that have been poisoning the homeless for years and we're not talking about just a couple of people that they've pinpointed their Deli make special food that goes to the food bank to poison the homeless and participate in euthanasia. All of these employees of this HEB like to get in their Automobiles and chase me all over the city when I walk in the store they do the exact same thing surrounding me and treating me like I'm a criminal. I look forward to their indictment and I look forward to HEB closing at the very least it'll change its name, after being bought out by non-criminal entities. Many of the employees not necessarily the store but many of the employees of HB have been coached by investigating team many of them are no longer cruel to me singling me out and bullying me. As a matter of fact that one HEB employee bought me a cup of coffee now she was there to stalking harassment which pretty much made it clear that she was cooperating with investigators micro expressions and Body Language say a lot

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