It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, March 6, 2020

Sending planes and a helicopter

 We've been doing this for years you continue to waste City resources at 1500 hours today I had a sapd helicopter circling me over and over again you go right ahead and keep sending those helicopters wasting City resources  everything's being watched documented and recorded and will be brought into a court of law . I understand that it's one team fighting against another and in some cases  you are trying to frame sapd for more crimes and they are actually committing  I don't really care  you're all going down no matter who's doing it . At this moment I have several planes flying overhead which means that they are still to this day manipulating Air Traffic Control  I want everybody to stop and think about what a serious crime that is and how they are endangering so many lives .  A couple of Austin airplanes have gone down in the pilots have died . It was made to look like an accident but what's actually happening is dirty CIA and dirty NSA getting rid of their witnesses there finders the Minions that little criminals  in an attempt to save themselves all you're doing is digging your grave that much deeper and I'm just the woman to push you in it 

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