It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, March 23, 2020

Travis Church Gavin foreign agent

Gavin made this sign right after Christmas and put it in  the door  of their temporary facility where they were providing Services he wrote the sign in such a manner to make it look like they were closing their doors Forever on January 5th .  He did this on purpose to Gaslight me into believing that they were being brought to Justice in the church was filing being closed for all of their crimes against humanity their crimes against the the country  and all of the homeless people here in San Antonio Texas . This church is guilty of Espionage treason  they're also guilty of poisoning food and coffee  but they are serving to the homeless .  It was his objective to Gaslight me so that I would announced that the church was finally closing and they were being brought to justice of course I posted No Such Thing They continue these gaslighting stories these attempts to make me post things that aren't true  they're fools  and they have the minds of children  this is a game of a high school child just like the idiot man in the silver pickup truck playing games with homeless as if there's some sort of voice  some sort of trained animals for his entertainment and that's exactly what Gavin does with the homeless .

It's amazing how Gavin thinks he's getting away with all of his crimes. This is the church that brought in all the refugees who aren't really refugees gave them lodging food clothing all the things that they did not give the homeless that are actually American citizens. They were well aware that these were not refugees they were foreign agents Coming to America to destroy our democracy to overtake our country to cause the death of millions of Americans. They do not have plausible deniability because the investigating agents watch them so all of their messages they knew what they were doing and they're not getting away with it.

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