It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Haven for Hope

 the local news channels are telling everybody that Haven for Hope is locked down nobody can go in and nobody can come out on Monday March 16th I went to Haven for Hope and I did the intake process and got my badge. I stayed the entire day there taking pictures of all of the minions who have been stalking and harassing me that were pulled in by the lso that is their security team who work side-by-side with dirty police officers. Also our local media told us that the National Guard has been deployed and they are here that is not true there is no National Guard here. There is no lock down at Haven for Hope they are not testing anybody for the coronavirus they are not taking anybody's temperature and still to date they refused to clean their bathrooms and their facility to take precautions against the spread of the Coronavirus. Perhaps they understand that this threat this coronavirus is nothing more than the flu bug and it's not going to kill anybody.
At one of the church events that serves the homeless I contracted the Coronavirus. I suffered through it and now I'm better I didn't have any medical treatment I didn't go to a hospital because I didn't know I had it until it was too late. I've had bronchitis and the flu bug that was worse than the coronavirus it's no big deal it's a big lie.
Anybody who's dying from the coronavirus is dying because the medical professionals are sociopaths and foreign agents.
The members of the CDC that you saw on TV yesterday and you'll probably see everyday are foreign agents they are psychos and sociopaths the scare that they are creating is false and fake.
Apparently Channel 12 became aware of the pictures I was taking and the fact that I was announcing that nothing was lockdown at all. On Monday night and all day Tuesday Channel 12 trucks were stalking and harassing me in an attempt to terrorize me. Apparently the news channels in a lot of trouble for lying to the media as it should be

This badge was printed on Monday I walked right into the intake office so as the media is telling you that there on a lockdown  you might want to  listen and take it with a grain of salt  they're Liars 

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