It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The GI Forum on Medina

 Yesterday after I left Haven for Hope being screamed at by security officers and lied to I walk past the GI Forum and I continue to take pictures. I stood on a public sidewalk outside of the GI Forum several employees came out one by one walking past me and yes I got all of their pictures I took pictures of how it's wide open and people can come and go freely unlike with the media I told you. Eventually one of these employees with a very huge fat guy walked up to me and asked what I was doing I said I'm standing on a public sidewalk and anything further than that is none of your business. They called the director out the assistant director came out and I believe his name is Robertson or Robinson. he walked right up on me asked me if I was taking pictures of the GI Forum and I said yes. He then informed me that I have the right to do that no s*** Sherlock. Aaron the director came out I asked him if he wanted to threaten me yet again because that's what he does he's threatens me. I took several pictures and I got a video he then walked up to his employees and said oh we all know who she is she's crazy and insane she's not all there I stood right there listening to him tell his employees these lies I stood right there watching him become guilty of slander and defamation of character. I don't know who it is that called these employees and told them to come out and attack me but they are guilty of collusion obstruction of justice they're also going to Bear witness to the slander and defamation of character from the highly insane director of the GI Forum.
I then we made my way over to the GI Forum at 600 Flores Street so that I can register myself as a homeless veteran. I talked to Eileen. Although it took hours I began the registration process. I asked for emergency housing emergency shelter. She told me they don't have emergency shelter. That didn't make any sense to me until she explained that the GI Forum is transitional housing and they can't call it emergency because it takes a week before they put people in there well that makes sense.
I was previously a member of the GI Forum and I have received services from the GI Forum and I was also a resident of the GI Forum transitional housing center. When I lean started looking through my records and looking through the database everything the City offers them to look at all of my records from 2016 the records of me staying at the GI Forum we're gone they were deleted Aaron the director of the GI Forum completely deleted my records my file from the system not surprising considering all the other things he's done. At this point I'm praying that the agents have everything they need and that they've recorded everything that happened while I stayed there and that they were able to obtain documentation considering there was two undercover agents working there while I stayed there I need to believe they did their job and they collected everything that's needed for a court of law.
I was assigned a caseworker I believe his name is John. He explained all of the procedures to me which I already knew. It seems that those procedures have not changed they are the same. I told him that the director of the GI Forum would refuse my entry and deny me. I told him that's exactly what Aaron did to me last year. And now let me tell you his excuse for doing that. Well I stayed at the GI Forum he received phone calls from the Castro Brothers foreign agents dirty cops all telling him to attack me and that's exactly what he did. I was accused of things that I did not do I was accused of not getting along with the other veterans and creating problems and in fact it was not me it was the other veterans creating problems with me and they were instructed to do this. Mr. Freeman was the assistant director then mr. Freeman and Aaron pulled me into a very small office and lock the door behind me. And when I tell you they pulled me in they literally put their hands on me and pulled me in. Here I am in a small space with two large men and the doors locked. They started having a conversation with me about things that I have done they were telling me I've done these things I didn't do any of those things I recorded the conversation with my phone. It lasted a long time it was very upsetting was a violation of all my rights it was also a violation of my safety. Later Aaron typed something up that was supposed to reflect the conversation we had and let me tell you and that typed up document not one single thing reflected what was said in the recorded conversation that I had on my phone. In November of 2016 those were the items turned over to the FBI some of many items that were turned over to the FBI. Aaron found out that I had that recording he was yelling at me that it was illegal and that it wasn't supposed to do it it's not true people you have every right to record a conversation not only that but it is admissible into a court of law. You don't need their permission. Especially when they're violating your civil rights and terrorizing you. I talk to my case worker about the whole ordeal in fact I had to caseworkers and both of them said you should have had us there. I would have loved to have Rochelle and Lillian in the room with me but I was not given the opportunity and as I said before I was physically pulled into that room. This is just one of the hundreds of incidences that occurred while I stayed at the GI Forum residential Center the list is long and the violations of the law and my rights are huge. I am not the only veteran that has suffered in this way because Aaron the director is insane he's a sociopath and he has severe narcissistic personality disorder which gets in the way of him being able to do his job properly.
Yesterday at the GI Forum at 600 Flores Street I found out that Martinez is the one who operates the whole thing the CEO the one that started and founded this nonprofit who is funded by our government. When I stayed at the GI Forum residential Center there are cameras there and some of the crimes that were committed against me by my enemies by my ex-husband should have been caught on those cameras. I found out way too late that somebody shut off the cameras. I was announcing in front of my phone that there was cameras and everything that happened was caught on the cameras while I was at work to do dirty police officers showed up to collect the footage from the cameras. They found out the cameras weren't on they were not being operated. Martinez the CEO of the GI Forum recieves monthly funding to keep those cameras operating it cost money destroy the videos and a computer program it cost money to keep them running. So when he decided to shut down the cameras where did the money go that he received monthly in his pocket of course.
While I was at the GI Forum they were doing everything in their power to deny me services to get rid of me. They told me they couldn't find my DD-214 and it was not in their system they lied. And when I called them out on their lie and told them where they could find it and told them that it was supposed to remain in their system forever once it was put in there the first time then they decided to use the excuse they don't know what my discharge was they don't know if it was honorable or general or dishonorable and they don't service people who have a dishonorable discharge. Well considering that I've receive services from them in the past and they have a file from 2014 that they were able to find when that indicate that I must have had an honorable discharge since you service to me before since I stayed at the transitional housing center when that indicate that I must have an honorable discharge? Well they said they don't know and they need it and proof in writing they need all of this from St Louis they already attained all of this from St Louis in 2014 then they did it again in 2016 are you thinking incompetent because that's what I'm thinking.
And here's another issue that they're going to come across I'm telling people when I went into the military when I enlisted my records have been manipulated and guess who did that yeah that's right dirty CIA dirty NSA. It does not have me graduating from 91 Charlie school and I did with difficulty but I did. It also does not have my enlistment date correct I honestly don't know what it says but I know that I enlisted After High School

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