It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, March 13, 2020

Hands n Hands child care owned by Teri

The woman that runs these daycares also has a bunch of rental property . She was advertising on Craigslist  and I answered one of her ask this was all a setup . She was found by Dirty police officers because she committed so many crimes she has an entire folder downtown. She was at creating a business and an empty lot on Hot Wheels by this daycare and the city shut her down Chaz many fines to pay. But they promised her if she became involved in this conspiracy to attack an innocent woman that she wouldn't have to pay those fines and it wouldn't go on your permanent record considering who is guilty of. Rental properties and her daycares are infected with rabbit nuts and rabbit mites also infect human beings she became infected herself. I'm not sure if any children were infected then it's likely. I moved him to her house and did not know that it was infested with mites in fact I didn't know anything about mites. I Michigan we don't have to worry about mites because the cold weather kills them. I have been struggling with these since 2015. I went to several different clinics to get treatment and I did receive some treatment that worked well when I went back to get more of the antibiotics that I was given I was told that they couldn't give it to me they didn't give an excuse why because they received phone calls from Joaquin Castro Chief McManus and Julian Castro. These creepers told the clinic employees not to give me any more antibiotics they wanted to keep me infected keep me suffering two of those planks are no longer open after James Comey did an investigation they lost their grant money from the government how amazing is that. And although some of them were brought to Justice I still don't have the antibiotics and I am still suffering with this condition. Joaquin Castro thinks he's funny he has his sociopath give too many blankets and clothing that are infected with other kind of insects. When I found a place where I could stay he would have criminals dropping off tranchulas. Apparently that's the way his wife would react, having an hysterical fit and break down however that is not who I am and that blew up in his face. The investigating agents watched everything closley and it will be presented in a court of law. These are the things your precious Mayor find to be funny.
Terry the woman who owns the home that was infected and owns these daycares was inspected by the city of San Antonio one of her daycares was completely shut down and she was no longer allowed to be a daycare director again. However she still owns these daycares and I see last year she opened up yet another daycare center. The woman is a hoarder and she doesn't clean everything is disgusting like dirty that's how you get Rabbit mites also when you allowed rodents into the house that are infected is another good way to get Rabbit mites. The home that I looked at was completely packed full of stuff it was a fire hazard it was disgustingly dirty there were animals in there. One of the reasons that a possum was able to get into the the home was because a member of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign broke into the house when into the kitchen and broke a hole under the sink allowing the animal access into the house while I was living there. Whenever Terry was told that repairs were needed she did nothing about it. Anybody use allies in her daycare as we should be very concerned about the health and well-being of the children attending the daycare centers. And once again I'm going to reiterate the fact that this woman is no longer allowed to be a daycare director and no longer allowed to provide care for children in the city of San Antonio. She should not have these daycare centers and nobody should be trusting their children to be cared for in these centers 

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