It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Morningside Ministries

Sitting empty rotting away while the streets are full of homeless displaced and exposed to the corona virus. The Mayor refuses to lift a finger to find a solution. He sends Officers treating homeless like criminals telling them they will go to jail for 6 months and or get a 2000.00 dollar fine. There is dollar signs in our mayor's eyes and a stone cold sociopathic heart. This would be perfect for homeless with no where to go. Too bad we don't have city officials with compassion, empathy, apathy, and love of God. If only San Antonio good people running the city there would not be homeless potentially spreading a virus that the Mayor tells the Nation he is so concerned about. Everybody look where Nirenberg was bad mouth Trump saying he wasn't taking it seriously enough. President Trump I have hundreds of pictures proving he is not taking it seriously and he is a hypocrite. 

It is clear that Morning side Ministries abandon these homes these apartments and the nursing home and a very rapid manner. I have reason to believe they were shut down by the FBI today I was told they still own this facility. They claim to be a Ministry people of God walking within the word of God and if that's true then why are you turning a blind eye to the homeless there on the streets exposed to the coronavirus possible carriers were spreading it the rest of the city? That doesn't show with action that you are people who are Christians walking within the word of God that is not what our Bible tells us to do. And although I believe that you have committed some serious crimes which caused this place to be closed down don't you think it's time for you to change your waist and look for Retribution?

This is a solution to the problem that mayor Ron nirenberg is trying to ignore. Rather than finding a solution and taking care of the problem he's trying to take care of me and take me out of the picture so I will stop taking pictures of it and wanting it up to the entire city. I'm not the problem you're looking like the problem a big problem for this city a fungus looks like.
As police officers terrorized the homeless telling them that they have to hide and they have to keep moving around they're making it clear that they're worried about x-statix about how it looks they're not worried about actually containing the virus because what they are instructing the home has to do is not containment. Several Park police officers are telling homeless they have to go hide be out of sites and nobody can see them. That does not contain the virus in fact makes it much worse.
Police officers are threatening the homeless telling them that they will go to jail for up to six months and or receive a $2,000 fine. Our mayor has dollar signs in his eyes. If he throws people in jail simply because they are homeless he looks forward to the grant money received from our government for filling up his jails. It's about money it's not compassion and respect for human life its money. And to prove my point that he's all about money I have a hundred pictures of all of the city workers who would never out of work they went to work everyday and yet they will receive a stimulus for being out of work to pay checks. That's called defrauding our government it's against the law but the mere does it anyway telling the lies to the host City that his employees are out of work let's all feel sorry for them none of them were out of work and you'll see the proof on the Block

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