It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Via Crossroads Transit Center

I arrived at the crossroads  park and ride  and I went in to use the bathroom there was a woman coming out of the bathroom and she was on the telephone  she was saying I am at the Via Crossroads park and ride and a security officer here is being  a bear. ? She said she always gives me a hard time when I'm here . There was two male employees that were all also back there giving her a hard time while she was in the bathroom they were all standing there in the entrance to the bathroom when I was trying to go to the bathroom I asked if the bathroom was closed and they said no go ahead . The door was wide open it was propped open .  When I went into the bathroom I use the stall that she had been in there was two other women in the bathroom . There was one in the stall and there was one standing at the sink cleaning her contacts and trying to put them in her eyes she was also applying makeup .  After the other distraught woman left the bathroom  the woman putting in your contacts went over and shut the door  so the male employees could not see in to the women's bathroom makes sense doesn't it ? I witnessed the employee standing in the door watching this woman leave the Via property . They were in the doorway yelling at her you don't have to leave  this isn't a hotel you can't use our bathrooms like at the hotel you're in there changing your clothes .  It took me a minute to find out what was happening . All of the Via employees  we're following her out the door giving her a hard time yelling at her  talking in a disrespectful and nasty manner .  I wasn't sure with her and fraction had been .  She left her sunglasses in the stall .  To Balcones Heights Police Officers showed up  as they walked across the parking lot to talk to her . From where I was standing it look like she was standing in the highway  I didn't know there was a sidewalk over there  to standing on the sidewalk .  As they were talking to her trying to figure out what was happening I Transit police officer showed up the Balcones Heights officers talked to the transit officer and then they'll  and the transit police officer took over the situation . He talked to her and got her side of the story and then he went in to talk to the employees . The employees lied well she was standing by herself I went over to give her her sunglasses and ask her what happened .  she told me that every time that she comes to that via park and ride they give her a hard time and they're beating on the door they propped open both doors of the bathroom  after she entered the bathroom . She is a Target in the same manner that I am targeted by the same people . She said while she was in the stall trying to use the bathroom the security officer kept opening the door and propping it open she said it made her uncomfortable so she would pull up her pants go close the bathroom door and go back to the store to try to use the facility . The security guard would then come to the bathroom and prop the door open yet again .  she would go to close the door and the security guard started yelling at her using profanity accusing her of doing things she was not doing .  when I was standing there listening to the security guards they said that she was changing her clothes then they changed their story and said that she's always in there for 45 minutes and she's on the phone .  there's no policy written that you can't talk on the phone while you're in the bathroom at Via . There's also no policy written that says that you can't change your clothes while you're in the bathroom at Via .  for employees literally ganged up on her now this I am actually made it to I'm used to it because that's exactly what they do to me on a constant basis but I've met this woman before  and she's an emotional woman  she's not acclimated to a situation that I've learned to deal with 
the transit police officer came back to talk to her  and he kept telling her to come back on to be a property he said come over here and talk to me she said I am not coming back on Via property and I don't blame her and she has that right .  Then she pointed to me and said she has experienced the same thing  and I want you to listen to her as well .  The officer's name is a. Baker badge number 351 . He said I'll talk to her later first I need to talk to you and he kept trying to persuade her back into the Via parking lot after she said I don't want to be on that property.  he was rude and persistent he said just step out of the street we were standing on a public sidewalk and I pointed it out to him this is a public sidewalk she is not in the street don't accuse her of committing crimes she has not committed.
He's done said were you using racial slurs and slander were you using vulgar language? She said no I don't know what you're talkin about I was standing there next to her when she was on the telephone. I didn't hear anything racial she might have said the B word but give the lady a break that created quite the emotional distress. he said the Balcones Heights do have a recording as she had already pointed out to him.
 then the officer said the Balcones Heights officers said that you were using vulgar language and racial slurs. She said I don't think I was. and in my opinion I don't think those officers said that either I think the transit officer pulled it out of his butt. he said that he could write her a citation right now vulgar language and racial slurs. how are you going to write her a citation when she was the one attacked by your via employees she's the one that's been wronged and now you're threatening to write her a citation and I just watched you try to manipulate and cool her sore back onto the property these people were working very hard to find a reason to write her a citation. any small reason they were looking for. I don't see anybody addressing the fact that all of those employees were taunting her and harassing her.
 at one point the transit police officer looked at me and asked if I was recording him. I said no I wasn't recording him I was taking pictures of him and I can take pictures and I can also record him to I have that right. She also had a right to do that too and I wish you would have.
  I was talking on my other phone and sending a message about what was happening with the situation once while he was talking to her trying to figure out if he could write her up for a citation. he kept telling her that she could go ahead and go on Via property and she told him several times I feel threatened I don't feel safe. it's an officer's job to address the fact that somebody feels threatened. He should have filed a report about the behavior of those employees but he had no intention of doing so. When he finally came to his senses and decided that he couldn't attack this woman legally he asked her if there was anything else he could help her with he never helped her with anything he was a part of the problem not the solution

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