It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, March 26, 2020

James Comey

I hope you're enjoying your plush environment. Not only this nation but the entire world is going to know you for the man who was torturing women and children to do an investigation and investigation that you weren't doing very well.. it's his Pals his agents who were giving me poison cigarettes my heart nearly stopped two nights ago last night I was experiencing the same sign into. As I pleaded for my life and begged to be pulled to safety he refused to help me while he sits at the Hyatt Regency pampered. I've gone months without baby I struggle to get food. James Comey doesn't care because he does not have a soul. My children are trapped in abuse CPS workers have broken the law and refuse to do investigations when the teachers call CPS when I filed a report to CPS. James Comey sits on his ass and allows my children to be without a mother and to be trapped and abuse. They used to have a mother to guard Their little bodies from the blows from their sociopathic father from the hurtful words in the brainwashing after the last six years they have not had a mother to help them to protect them from the abuse. At this moment I don't even know where my children are and James Comey doesn't seem to think that that's that's important for me to know he expects me to keep going taking his pictures when I have fat Latino Park police officers getting in my face telling me that I know better. And what is Coney do in Nags me until I take the pictures and go where he wanted me to go to get him the pictures meanwhile none of these criminals that are wearing a badge and a gun are being brought to Justice and that's what the world will know you for. And as I'm begging to be pulled to safety telling you that I can't take anymore I can't do anymore my heart will stop you sit on your butt refusing to honor my pleas for help refusing to have any respect for my life

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