It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, March 6, 2020

Baptist Emergency Room

 The first time I showed up with the Baptist Emergency Room was November of 2018 I had been poisoned and I was instructed to go in they needed the blood workup. Somebody ordered an MRI. Those nurses and technicians were acting very peculiar. I knew that they had received a phone call because everywhere I go people receive phone calls Castro Brothers Hillary Clinton Chief McManus dirty police officers dirty FBI agents I wonder did James Comey make a phone call? I was lucky enough to get out of that ER without the MRI and the first time I visited they did in fact help me every visit after that I received the foreign agent doctor and they did not help me they hurt me they gave me medication that would make me very sick for many days so it work to they lied to me and said that they were giving me a medication that would stop the nausea and the migraines and they gave me exactly the opposite of what they said they were giving me. Then they told me that my blood work up look good and nothing was abnormal that's funny somebody walks in and hasn't had any food in seven days and you're telling me my blood work up is good there's no way in hell my blood work up was good I'm anemic because of the starvation and because of genetics and they're telling me that it was all normal and it was all good either that's what showed up on their computer system after they did the work up or they're lying to my face. That's okay because I have faith in the investigating agents that they will see what the real blood work showed

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