It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Westfall Branch Library

I'm at the Westfall Branch library and there's 10 cars in the parking lot there was 11  it's a very small Library that's an awful lot of employees . So I guess the employees are still working  even though it's closed down for the Coronavirus . I'm a bit confused the government's giving you a stimulus because you're not able to work but here you are at work and surely if you're in the building that means you're getting paid by the city right ? So why are you getting a stimulus trillions of dollars from the government ? 

See how they refused to take book returns do you realize that when this happened all of a sudden and he's library is closed a lot of people had books checked out videos programs and now they're at their home and they can't return them I'm wondering how many late fees they're going to suffer because of this that looks like a stimulus package for the city. Coming out of the pockets of the taxpayers the constituents

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