It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, March 23, 2020

Greyhound bus station

So I went into the Greyhound bus station and what I really wanted to do was use the bathroom they've closed off the bathrooms and anybody riding the buses don't get to use the bathrooms  two employees were standing there being assholes there really good at it . I was taking pictures of the arriving buses and where they're coming from their shipping a lot of finders Witnesses and criminals in some of them are citizen-based agents as well these are all people that I actually want to get rid of they've been doing this for years .  After they help with the stalking and harassing of me and other little jobs they have them doing around the city then they get rid of them tying up their loose into making sure there's no Witnesses put them in prison who are they come on guys New World Order Stay With Me . They a****** employees who are most likely foreign agents told me that there is no Photography in the bus station . They lied to their stupid T there is no such rule there's no policy written that says that . I've had a lot of experience with these employees at the Greyhound bus station they have an Annex where they will store baggage for people a day three days 5 days there's a fee  and it's open to the public anybody can store their baggage here . I went in and asked an employee about the baggage storage  because I needed to go into a federal building and I couldn't take my backpack with me  they lied to me and said that I needed to have a bus ticket in order to use it  that's a lie . Because it was the Federal Building where we King Castro's office is he was the one making sure I didn't get in to the Federal Building him and his foreign agent Pals  he's the one that called the bus station  and told them to lie to me . And you can bet  he had his hand in today's asking time move at the bus station . 

This evening the Greyhound bus station is getting a brand new sign or they're fixing the old one all of that is happening right now in the middle of the night isn't it amazing how much work gets done during a pandemic and if you people are planning this looting and mass hysteria in the streets and the burning of the city what makes you think that they're brand new sign is going to last through all of that. It seems like a waste of time and effort and money

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